Chapter 3- Red Dress

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I wake suddenly, not because of the time, but because the nightmare had come to its end. Credits rolled, the horror movie of my night was finally over

Nightmares have always been a common thing for me, they just get worse at certain times.

My eyes strain at the harsh rays of light casting huge shadows across my room and I instantly know I've slept for too long when I hear the heavy traffic outside.

Snatching my phone from the nightstand, the time reads Sunday, 12pm.

Holy shit that's almost 14 hours.

I mean, I didn't have plans anyway so I guess its fine.

Quiet days are the best. They are so under rated. Just laying curled up in your comfiest blanket, doing whatever makes you happy.

The low hum of the outside world is the only noise in my apartment and for once, I feel content.

A calm day.

I pull out my phone and decide to go on Instagram because I used to hate it.

A perfect girl in a bikini is the first thing I see. I quickly shut my phone off.

Yep. Still hate it.

Planting my bare feet onto the cold wooden floor, I go into the kitchen and open the fridge.

Literally nothing except milk and eggs.

I decide on nothing and go back into my room.

As I'm about to bury myself in the comforter, my phone vibrates from my pocket.

+1 212 312 0581

Are you busy at 7?


No why?

+1 212 312 0581

Meet me at La Rosa Rossa downtown. 

I recommend a dress, sweetheart.

I internally squeal and jump up on the spot, rereading the message to make sure I'm not insane.

Sprinting to the closet, I rummage around until I see one of the only dresses I own.

Its a knee high, deep red dress that stops at the mid-thigh with a low v-neckline and spaghetti straps on the shoulders.

Laying it flat out on the bed, I call Ava and practically scream down the phone and hang up.

I should probably have explained.

Scouring through the small drawer of makeup, I search for the least fucked up palettes and products to fix this mess with.

Taking a glance at the alarm clock next to me, I notice its only 2:30. 

Maybe I'm a little excited.

I take a deep breath and sit on the edge of the bed.

Its been 2 years since I've been this anxious.

When I'm about to do something different or big, I get the nerves. These feeling remind me I need to search for my bravery.

They show you have the sense to think about a situation and that you're not a naive fool.

Its like an invitation to tune into my emotions and work out the best way forward.

But the excitement of a date after all this time.

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