Chapter 7- Fast?

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"A date?!" Mr Davis exclaims, throwing his arms into the air. "Why have I not heard about this earlier, Alaina?"

"2nd date, actually." 

"You want to leave work early for a 2nd date? Call me when its your 5th." he rolls his eyes before grinning at me. "Of course you can. But your so young, dear, be careful." 

He kisses my cheek, walking out to the front.

Getting up earlier today, I went on a run for the first time in a while.

Once you get in the zone, to run is a form of whole-body meditation. Your thoughts can go places they couldn't before. It is one of the many keys available to unlock the imagination.

I'm not really an athletic person, but a run now and then is amazing.

And it means I don't get out of breath walking to the bathroom like usual.

Since I started the day slightly earlier, it gave me around an hour before work to find a cheaper dress for tonight, using the last bit of money spare this month.

I decided on something different to my usual skin tight, short dresses.

Its a deep blue dress that flares out, stopping just above my knees, the thin straps overlapping at the back.

To say it was on the cheaper side comparing to others, I'd say its pretty cute.

Pulling out my phone, I see the time is 5:30, meaning I don't have time to go home and get ready.

Looks like we are working with the makeup from my purse and the blurry bathroom mirrors.


I run into the employee bathroom and pull out my extremely limited makeup.

Putting concealer on and powder, I use the little travel bronzer Ava left at my apartment to make a soft eye shadow look, before quickly brushing mascara on my pretty long lashes.

The bag with my dress in sits on the counter next to me as I sweep lip gloss over my lips and I start thinking.

Is that enough for a date? He wears suits all the time. And there's a possibility of that  conversation tonight.


Deciding to stop thinking, I delicately pull the dress out of the bag, sliding my clothes off of my body.

The first date brought up so many emotions, hope being the most giddy-making of them all.

I really have a good feeling about him, even if that sounds cliche.

Being on a date with him, beyond twilight and long into the dark, let the sunshine into my soul.

I look at myself in the dress in the mirror and I swear it looked a thousand times better in the shops.

The girl there said it looked good, but I think she just wanted me to stop rambling and leave honestly.

"Mr Davis!" I scream, my voice resounding through the hall.

"Oh my gosh Alaina, are you trying to scare all my customers away?"

"Do I look ugly? And don't lie to me, old man." I point an accusing finger at him.

"You look stunning dear, I'm sure he will love it." he says, not a hint of hesitation.


He waves his hand at me, completely brushing me off as he walks away.

I take a deep breath, walking out into the back rooms.

Opening the little locker that I keep all my work shit in, I look into the tiny mirror.

"You got this Alaina."

I slam it shut and nervously walk to the door.

The cold brings an icy beauty to the boring street of the city.

As I step out the door, the bitter breeze hits my face and its refreshing.

The restaurant is only 15 minutes away, so I'll probably be slightly early.

As I see the bright, radiant lights from the restaurant approach, I'm pretty surprised at how far I got.

I've been constructing ridiculous scenarios of how this night could play out this entire walk, and its fueled my nerves.

The sound of my heels hitting the floor fills my ears as my heart beat raises its rhythm.

Weaving through the crowds of people, I make it to the door.

With a deep breath, I push the door open and see the host standing at the front.

He walks me to our table and there's no one there yet so I let out a long sigh of relief as I take a seat.

Searching for his tall frame and that fluffy hair, my eyes dart towards the door at every minor sound.

"Alaina." his voice echoes.

My head shoots around and he stands before me.

I fall a little trying to stand up so he helps me up.

Yeah nice Alaina.

He leans down and kisses my cheeks before sitting down opposite me.

"How was your day, beautiful?"

"It was okay." I say with a smile. "How was yours?"

"Busy, but this made it a whole lot better."

Reaching over the table, he takes my hand in his.

His eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than I knew eyes could be.

I've never noticed how many colours are really in his eyes, its the most unique thing.

"So, about what I said," he starts, biting his lip a little. 

"I know that it's too fast, and I'm not one to rush into shit. I just.." he trails off.

"Look, getting to know you so far has been amazing and I've never felt like this so fast with anyone, god this is so stupid."

Looking up at the roof, he falls into a deep silence.

"Its not stupid, Dom."

His head moves back down in my direction.

"I don't get it. I barely know you and I'm already planning our nights together, curled up on a sofa, just enjoying each others company."

"What are you doing to me, Alaina?" he adds, barely above a whisper.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, you're doing it too." I smile softly at the gorgeous man sat in front of me.

"Fuck this. Lets make it real, fuck how fast we are going, fuck the fact we barely know each other. If things go south, we break it off, but lets just do it." he rushes, barely breathing in between words.

I bite back the huge grin threatening to break out on my face.

"Okay, lets do it."


Thank you for reading, please leave comments and follow my socials if you want!

Have an amazing day loves!

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