Edward's Pov

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Me and my family are sitting at our lunch table, they were talking while I couldn't stop looking at the new girl.She had beautiful blue/gray eye's,I can see her natural hair color is black but it's dyed purple and her scent is what gets me.We know she isn't human because of her beauty, we don't know what she is.But I don't think she is going to harm us because all my siblings didn't feel threatened,but they like her already.I can see Bella looking at this new girl with a glare, "Damn I am not going to hear the end of this" I thought.Yes, I am dating Bella Swan but it's because I thought she was my mate but now I'm not sure.But I can't help it, I need to talk to her and I will in class."If she has any of my classes" I thought.



It's raining right now and I'm just sitting in my seat when I saw Amila.Yes,Alice told me her name but anyway I heard Amila talking to Eric.

Eric: "Prom Committee is a chick thing, but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway and they need a guy to help choose the music, so I need your playlist.Hey, listen, I was wondering,did you have a date to..."

He wanted to ask her to prom and I didn't like it, but luckily Mike stepped in.But I know he likes her too

Mike: "What's up, Amila? Huh?How you liking the rain, girl? Better get use to it girl."

Eric: "Yeah, Mike, hey, you're real cute, man."

I saw walk closer to me, her scent is getting stronger, it smells like Cherry Blossoms.Bella told me not to talk to Amila but my siblings keep saying to do it.I couldn't stop staring at her as she sat down."I don't care if Bella gets mad, I'm talking to her" I thought.

Me: "Hello."

When I said that she looked at me smiling.

Me: "I'm Edward Cullen.You're Amila?"

Amila: "That's me."

I watched her pay attention to the teacher, "So beautiful" I thought.After the teacher was done talking,I looked at her and smiled.

Me: "Ladies first."

I slide the scope over to her.She just kept smiling at me then looked into the scope.

Amila: "I like you're wristband.Prophase."

Me: "Yeah, it's my family's crest.Do you mind if I look?"

She shook her head no,and with her smile never leaving her lips."Those lips..I just want to kiss them" I thought,my eye's went wide then looked into the scope.

Me: "It's porphase."

Amila: "Like I said."

I smiled more at her comment.But I was starting to get nervous,because everytime she smiles at me,my stomach flips.

Me: "So, are you enjoying the rain?"

I smile when she laughs.

Me: "What?"

Amila: "You're asking me about the weather?"

Me: "Yeah, I...I guess I am."

Amila: "Well, I love it.I love the cold."

Me: "Really?"

Amila: "Why so surprised?"

I laughed and looked at the scope.

Me: "Because you're the first person I know to like the cold....It's anaphase."

Amila: "You mind if I check?"

Me: "Sure."

Amila: "Anaphase."

Me: "Like I said."

I wrote our answer down, but it was hard because she had on a outfit that showed off her curves.

Me: "Does you dad and mom know you dress like that?"

She looked down at her outfit,then looked at me.

Amila: "I don't have parents,they passed when I was twelve."

Me: "I'm sorry,I didn't know."

Amila: "It's ok, Edward.You didn't know and it was a long time ago."

I just kept looking at her outfit,but I think she noticed because she started smirking.

Amila: "See something you like?"

"Yes" I thought,but I guess I said it out loud because she started laughing.

The New Girl*Edward Cullen ♥ story*Where stories live. Discover now