Bad Bella!

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*3rd pov*

In the woods, Bella was walking around pissed off because Edward dumped her for the new girl."Amila will pay for taking Edward away from me!" she thought, but she was stopped by hearing voices.She went behind a tree, when she looked her eye's went wide.One side had three vampires, the other side had two werewolves but the one in the middle looked like a vampire just with bright blue eye's.

???: "Hello, my name is Kravan.This is Raze and Jack."

???: "I'm Laurent,this James and Victoria."

Kravan: "We are looking for a hybrid,her name is Amila Carson."

Laurent: "We have not seen any hybrid,there as never been such a thing."

James: "What are you going to do to her, if you find her?"

Kravan: "Take her and kill her."

Victoria: "We can look for her for you."

James: "Along with killing her."

"Perfect!" she thought,she had just came up with an idea.So she walked out from behind the tree.

Bella: "I know her, this Amila Carson.I will help you get her, if they change me."

She pointed to the three vampires with red eye's.

Kravan: "Deal!"

Laurent: "I will change you, while the others look for her."

She walked over to them as Kravan and the two werewolves, started walking away.

James: "Where are you going?"

Kravan: "I have some business to take care of."

With that they walked away.

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