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*Amila's pov*

Today was Christmas and we are currently at Charlies house, then we will be going to Billy's house

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Today was Christmas and we are currently at Charlies house, then we will be going to Billy's house. I was looking out the window with a worried look when I felt arm's around my waist. I already knew it was Edward. Charlie says that Bella just up and left one day, since then he has been wanting his sister around more. Atleast that's what he said, but then he started spending time with Sue. They are dating now, which makes me happy to know that they have each other. We already know what happened to Bella because if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be in this mess. I stopped thinking when I felt Edward kiss my head.

Me: "The snow is sticking."

Edward: "Hey, we still have today."

I looked at him then looked behind him to watch my brother and Sue.

Me: "I'm so glad Charlie found someone to take care of him."

Edward: "Am, no one's giving up here."

I smiled at him.

Charlie: "All right! Present time! Let's go!"

We both laughed at his excitement and followed him.

Charlie: "Leah, Seth, stop eating. Jake, you start. Get going."

I smiled when I saw Jake hand a present to Elizabeth. I saw Casper sitting next to Leah, Renessme was on Riley's lap and Sue was holding Jahoznia. I listened to Seth and Leah talking while walking over to Charlie.

Seth: "What did you get me?"

Leah: "I'm not getting you anything."

I smirked at them then stopped in front of Charlie.

Me: "Well, Charlie, we didn't have time to wrap yours, but here it is."

I handed him the little envelop then we sat down, Jahoznia ran to Edward who placed him on his lap. I watched Charlie open his.

Me: "It's a 5-day fishing trip to Fraser River. It's for you and Sue."

Edward: "You leave tomorrow."

He looked a little shocked.

Charlie: "Wow, that's really nice. Thank you. Tomorrow? I can't leave tomorrow."

Sue: "I made arrangements for you at work."

I smiled at her then at him.

Charlie: "Sneaky. And extravagant."

Edward: "And non-refundable, I'm afraid."

Charlie: "Are you two trying to get rid of me?"

I couldn't help it.

Me: "Yes. So we can take all you have."

That made him laugh.

Charlie: "Good. Because it's working."

I smiled when he chuckles, Sue brings him a drink then sits on the arm of the chair.

Charlie: "Fraser River. That means we'll be chasing Cutthroat."

Sue: "We might even hook a Rainbow or some Bulls."

Charlie: "Woman knows her trout."

After that the kids opened everything else up. I saw Edward talking to Renessme and Jahoznia about their gifts, so I sat in front of Casper and Elizabeth. Jake and Leah were next to them.

Me: "Hey, my little prince and princess. Let me see...Did Jake and Leah make these for you?"

I took the bracelet Jake made Elizabeth and the necklace that Leah made Casper.

Elizabeth: "Both of them are so pretty."

Casper nods. I give him the necklace back, he quickly put it on. I smiled at Elizabeth.

Me: "Wanna put it on?"

I put the bracelet on her, I smiled because she couldn't keep a smile off her face.

Elizabeth: "It's really pretty."

Me: "It is really pretty."

Renessme and Jahoznia ran over to me, and sat in front of their brother and sister. I looked at Edward smiling even more, causing him to smile too. After a while we went to Billy's house, then went back home after a few hours. The kid's were very tired, so we put then down for the night. After that I went into mine and Edwards room to give him his present. I put on a sexy slip.

Then walked out to see Edward on the bed in his boxers

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Then walked out to see Edward on the bed in his boxers. His eyes went wide when he seen what I was wearing, I got on top of him and started kissing him. We made hot passionate love that night three times.

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