Edward And Amila's Wedding

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(Should she get pregnant again but have it be like Bella's or no on another pregnancy?)

*Edwards view*

I stood infront of the mirror in Jasper and Alice's room,I still couldn't believe that I am getting married to the woman I love.I smiled when I saw Casper with a pillow in his hands,he was our ring bearer.Then my brothers walked in,both smiled at me and my son.Casper looks exactly like me when I was his age,Renessme looks like Amila more but Elizabeth is a combination of us both.

Emmett: "It's time to get you married,bro!"

I couldn't help but laugh,even my son laughed.

Me: "I can't wait."

I picked up Casper while he is laughing.

Me: "Come on,my little hunter.We can't be late."

With that said,we walked to the front of the aisle,I saw Renee and Charlie which got me to think."If Bella is here,she better not ruin my Amila's day.She better leave my kids alone." I thought.
*Amila's view*

I am currently sitting in a chair with my two beautiful daughters beside me,we wait a few year's because we wanted everyone not question our kids age.Everyone knew I was pregnant at the graduation,so we hide them very well for awhile but Charlie and Billy already knew about their age.But anyway,Selene is working on my honeymoon outfit while Alice and Rosalie did my hair and makeup.We heard someone knock on the door.

Alice: "Come in!"

I looked up and saw Charlie peeking his head in.

Rosalie: "Come in,Mr.Swan.We just finished Amila's hair and makeup."

When I looked at him,I couldn't believe it..he was in a suit.

Charlie: "I know,I look hot."

I laughed,then smiled more when Alice told me it was time to get dressed.After I got done,everyone but me and Charlie were left.

He was walking me half way,then at the end Billy will give me away

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He was walking me half way,then at the end Billy will give me away.Meanly because I knew his family alot longer.

Me: "You ready to do this?"

Charlie: "No,still can't believe you are actually getting married."

Me: "Everything will be fine,even better than fine."

As the music started to play,and the doors opened,all I saw was Edward standing there in a suit while smiling.When we got to were Billy was,Charlie kissed my cheek then took his seat.I looked at my other brother,Billy while smiling.I took his arm while he moved his chair,I winked at the pack who stood there smiling.I couldn't believe that I finally made it to Edward,we stood there looking at each other.

Minister: "Ladies and gentlemen,we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Amila Carson...Please repeat after me."

We repeated everything he said without breaking eye contact,and when we said our do's.I felt so alive,even more when he says those three words.

Edward: "I love you."

Me: "I love you."

After I said that we kissed,I heard everyone cheer when we stopped kissing.Then our kids ran over to us smiling,Edward picked up the girls and I got my son.

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