Honeymoon Time

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*Still Amila's view*

After I meet everyone new,I also saw a familiar face...Laurent,who had golden eyes now.He came up to us smiling,along with his new family.I couldn't help it,we both laughed when I hugged him.

Me: "Oh my god!Laurent,it's so good to see you."

Laurent: "It's good to see you both,and congratulations on your wedding.I also heard you had a kid,that true?"

Me and my husband smiled at him then nodded our heads yes.It felt so good to call Edward my husband,he currently had his arms around me.

Edward: "Yes,but we had a surprise."

Laurent: "Twins?"

I laughed.

Me: "No,triplets.A boy and two girls."

Laurent: "I really missed alot,didn't I?"

We all laughed at that.We talked,danced even danced with our kids,which made everyone tear up.But after a few hours we got changed,I had on a black and purple tight strapless dress on.I knew Selene picked it out,because Alice would have made me wear something brighter.When I came out to where Edward was I laughed at his facial expression,I could see the lust in his eyes.I took his hand and started running,everyone threw rice and flowers.We said our goodbyes,but it was hard to say that to your kids.

Me: "Now,you three be good for everyone."

My beautiful triplets quietly said.

Triplets: "We will."

Edward bent down and hugged all three,then laughed when they whispered something into his ear.He got up while laughing.

Edward: "Maybe...We love you three."

Triplets: "We love you too,mommy and daddy!"

They jumped into our arms and gave us a big hug.I was about to go to the car but was stopped by Alice,Rosalie and Selene.I looked at Jasper as he carried my bag.

Me: "I would ask you but I'm afraid too."

Alice looked at Jasper then at me with a smile.

Alice: "Oh,nothing much."

Rose: "By nothing much,she means that there isn't much clothing."

Selene: "And the clothes we did pack are going to drive Edward crazy."

I laughed at them.

Alice: "Okay,everything's packed and ready to go."

Me: "Okay."

We got into the car,and I blew kisses to my kids.I smiled when they blew kisses to me also,then I looked at Edward.We just took each others hands and smiled.

Edward: "You ready?"

Me: "Yeah,I'm ready."

(Where should they go for their Honeymoon?)

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