In The Clearing

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*Amila's pov*

Today is the day that we face the Volturi,and right now we are standing in clearing

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Today is the day that we face the Volturi,and right now we are standing in clearing. Elizabeth and Jahoznia were standing to my left while Renessme and Casper were standing next to Edward, Riley also stood next to Edward. I was scared and nervous but relaxed a little when I felt Edward grab my hand. Selene,Wendy and their friends are standing next to Carlisle and Esme. Naomi made the weather very cloudy for Wendy and the others. William has a few Lycans that follow him, they are waiting with the pack. We told Naomi to stay in her wolf form because we didn't want to risk the Volturi seeing her. I listened to everyone saying goodbye to their loved ones, just in case of a fight breaking out. I did smile a little when Garrett spoke.

Garrett: "The Redcoats are coming. The Redcoats are coming."

After another minute they finally came out of the woods. All four of my children moved behind me in fear. It's a good thing that I have been able to figure out how to use three gifts at once. I hold on to Edwards hand while he trys to read Aro's thoughts.

Edward: "Aro's looking for Alice."

I noticed Aro staring at me. I also noticed that a blonde girl, who I'm guessing is Jane, she is also staring at me. Suddenly they stop when the howling of the wolfs start and they come out from behind us. Leah and Jacob stand next to me, William stood next to Wendy, Paul next to Selene. I also noticed that Seth standing close to Naomi. I just hope nothing happens to any of my family, my anger is already coming out because that Jane girl is looking at Jahoznia. I looked at Bella with hatred which she also glared at me too. I watch as Carlisle walk to the front.

Carlisle: "Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner."

Aro: "Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us."

Carlisle: "I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken."

Caius who I remember from a picture in Carlisle's office, Edward told me about all three leader's.

Caius: "We see the children. Do not treat us as fools."

Carlisle: "They are not Immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in their cheeks."

Caius: "Artifice!"

I am beginning to hate that guy, I am happy that Aro silenced him.

Aro: "I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the children cling to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved."

He walks a few steps forward with his hand stretched out. I looked at Edward who looked at me then at our children before walking up to Aro. I put my mental shield around him but he got to far for my shield. I gasp as the power came back real quick.
*3rd pov*

As Edward walks up to Aro, Bella looks at him with love but doesn't say anything. Aro quickly takes Edwards hand and looks at his thoughts, he smiles then looks at Amila in shock.

Aro: "I'd like to meet them."

Edward looks behind him with a scared look. Amila looks at her children who are both sides, then she starts walking with them along with Leah,Jacob and Riley but they stopped. They looked at Emmett, who starts walking with them. Aro smiles at them then he looks at Amila in a awe.

Aro: "Ah. Young Amila. We finally meet. Immortality has become you even more then I heard."

Aro looks at the children then laughs when he hears their heart beats.

Aro: "I hear their strange heart's."

Renessme walks up to Aro.

Renessme: "Hello, Aro."

She puts her hand on his face which took him by surprise. He looks surprised at what he saw in her thoughts.

Aro: "Magnificent!"

He stands up and looks at his followers. While Amila quickly grabs Renessme.

Aro: "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn while she was still a hybrid."

Caius: "Impossible!"

Aro looks at his brother.

Aro: "Do you think they fooled me, brother?"

Amila and Edward start walking back with their children and the others.

Caius: "Bring the informer forward."

Everyone watched as they brought up Bella, who is starting to get a little nervous. Caius walks up to her and points at the children.

Caius: "Are those the children you saw?"

Bella: "I'm not sure."

Caius: "Jane."

Bella: "They've changed. This children are bigger."

Caius: "Then your allegations were false."

Bella: "Yes, but I don't think I'll be dying today."

Before anyone could say anything Bella suddenly disappeared. Everyone was shocked but was surprised when Amila was sent flying through the air. Amila growled in anger because she already knew who threw her. Aro and his brothers stood there in shock but also curious about what is going on. Jane wanted to fight, so she went against her masters command and looked at Edward.

Jane: "Pain."

Amila watched Edward fall over in pain, which caused her to growl and put all her strength into spreading the shield around everyone in her group. Edward slowly got up then looked at Amila and smiled. Jane looks around then sees Amila looking at her with hatred but what scared her was the fact that instead of Amila's golden blue eyes, she had pitch black eyes with bright blue eyes.

Amila: "Stay out of this, young lady."

All the Volturi looked at her in shock but watched when they saw movement in the snow near Amila. She quickly put her physical shield up around her and Bella so she wouldn't get away, all the while still having her mental shield up. The physical shield was strong enough to make Bella become visible again. Amila starts walking up to her.

Amila: "Your not going anywhere, bitch."

She lifted Bella up in the air with her telekinesis. Aro looked at Amila in fear, he also knew that he wasn't the only one scared of Amila. Amila looked at Edward then at looked at Zafrina.

Amila: "Blind my children. I don't want them to see what I'm about to do."

Zafrina looked at all four children and blind them while Edward,Esme,Rosalie and Riley covered their ears. Amila looked at Bella as she was in the air.

Amila: "I want to know one thing before I do anything. I want to know what the hell you were thinking?"

Bella: "Because if it wasn't for you, me and Edward would have still been together! They should have been mine and Edwards children, not yours! You ruined them because they have your blood in them and not mine!"

Amila: "You did all of this because of your petty jealously?"

Bella: "You deserve to burn in hell!"

Amila: "You first."

Amila focus on her and started ripping her apart with her mind. After she destroyed Bella she looked at Aro.

Amila: "Anyone else?!"

All of his witnesses shook their heads, along with his guard.

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