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*3rd person's pov*

It was a exciting day at school for Amila, because Selene will be starting school at Forks high.Prom is that night as well, and even though she couldn't dance very well, she still loved to dress up and she wanted to look extra special for Edward.Selene did get a date, it is the same pack member that was staring at her, the hot head Paul...Bella didn't get turned like she thought she would,but instead Laurent knocked her out.So now she is at school pissed because not only did she lose Edward, but Jacob didn't want to see her ether.So she just glared at Amila Carson, who was sitting in Edward's lap making him laugh.

So she just glared at Amila Carson, who was sitting in Edward's lap making him laugh

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*Edward's pov*

I am currently sitting at our lunch table with my family,my new sister Selene and the love of my life, Amila.Who is sitting in my lap, whispering very dirty things in my ear, but meanly my mind because she let her shield down.I couldn't stop laughing at her attempts to seduce me.She was even wearing a sexy outfit just for me.But anyway, Charlie Swan actually invited Amila and Selene to use his house for leaving for prom.He said that they are like his daughters,and he wants to see them off.I know this is going to be awkward,but I did read his mind and he was happy that I wasn't with Bella anymore,but he still worrys about them both.Oh, everyone love's Amila's black hair and she always kept her eye's that beautiful grayish blue color.And I thought it was bad when all the boy's stared at her before, but no this is much worse.I literally have to stop myself from ripping their heads off.I know Bella is staring at us, but glaring at my love.Who asked if we could fool around after school, I laughed and was about to respond but the bell rang.But I just winked at her while smirking,causing her face to go red.Then we walked to class.
*Amila's pov*
(At Prom)

I am watching my best friends talking to their guys, mine went to go pay for pictures.I don't know why he wants me to come here so bad, but I do love to dress up.

I don't know why he wants me to come here so bad, but I do love to dress up

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Oh, I did get to mess around with him after school hehe.But anyway, I was sitting on the bench when I heard a twig snap.I turned my head around and saw my godson, Jacob.He still doesn't know about that yet, or anything else.

Me: "Hey,Jake."

Jake smiles.

Jake: "Hey...Nice."

I laughed at his awkwardness.

Me: "Yeah, you too.Are you crashing the prom or something?Did you come with a date?"

Jake: "No."

He walks over to me and sits down.

Jake: "My dad paid me to come talk to you.Twenty bucks."

We chuckled.

Me: "Ok, let's hear it."

Jake: "Promise you won't get mad?"

Me: "I promise."

Jake: "Ok, he wants you to break up with your boyfriend.I don't know why.But he said and I quote 'We'll be watching'whatever that means."

I laughed.

Me: "Well thanks for telling me.And tell your dad, thanks for worrying and to pay up."

He laughs while nodding his head yes.

Jake: "Ok,well I got to go.See you around Am."

Me: "Bye."

After he left, Edward came and I know he smelled Jake's scent.

Edward: "I leave you alone for five minutes, and the wolves descend."

I giggled.

Me: "I can't believe you're making me do this."

Edward: "Just smile."

We got our picture taken, then started to walk inside.I looked around the loud room, full of lights.

Me: "Wow, you really are trying to kill me."

Edward: "You said you never gone to a prom.And I didn't want you to miss out on one."

Me: "Oh."

I looked around and saw Mike with Jessica, which I gave her a thumps up for her pink dress that showed off her curves.Then I saw Eric and Angela at the dj booth dancing,they both smiled and waved at me, of course I did the same.

Edward: "Do you want to go?"

Me: "Yeah."

We walked outside to the conzebol with lights, it was so beautiful.We stopped,then Edward looked at me.

Edward: "Shall we?"

Me: "You're serious?"

Edward: "Why not."

I smiled at his sarcasm, then put my arms around his neck.After he pulled me close, we started swaying around.Edward looks at me smiling.

Edward: "See, you're dancing."

Me: "At prom."

After a couple of minutes, we were alone.

Me: "Me and Selene, we were thinking about going on a trip.We will have to stop to visit Alexander Convenes.Because her be able to walk in the sun, it was just a sample to see if she can handle it."

Edward: "Am I aloud to come?"

I smiled.

Me: "Yes, and Selene wants Paul to come..So you two are going to have to play nice."

Edward: "Alright, but only for you...and Selene."

I started getting nervous because I want to ask him about what he thinks is in our future.I can see him getting worried.

Edward: "What is it?"

Me: "Have you ever thought about what our future will be like?"

He gives me a smile.

Edward: "Always, what about you? What do you dream about?"

Me: "I dream about being with you forever."

Edward: "You already are living your dream."

Me: "I guess your right."

I look into his golden eye's.

Me: "I love you."

Edward: "And I love you."

He kissed me after that, and the rest of the night we spent with Selene and Paul.Then we went to my house, I got changed then went to sleep.Of I couldn't go to sleep without my Edward.

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