Selene's Starts To Remember

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*Amila's pov*

Me and Edward held each other's naked bodies together.That's right,we made love but we weren't the only ones.

That's right,we made love but we weren't the only ones

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After we got up and changed, I went to see Selene.

Me: "Hey, Sel."

She looks at me with just a blanket around her.

Me: "Sun setting."

My smile fell when I saw her face.

Me: "What's wrong?"
After she got changed, Edward and Paul came in.

After she got changed, Edward and Paul came in

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I was on Edwards lap, Selene was next to Paul.She handed me the necklace.

Selene: "I've seen this before, when I was child..I've held it.When it was open, like this."

Paul: "How is that possible?"

Selene: "I don't know...But I know someone that might."

We quickly got into the car we found, I sat in the back with Edward.

Paul: "Who are we going to see?"

Selene: "Andreas Tanis."

Paul: "Who?"

Selene: "He was the official historian of the covens.He fell from favor after documenting what Viktor considered malicious lies.Of course,as it turns out,he was probably telling the truth."

Me: "What happened to him?"

Selene: "He was exiled over 300 years ago."

Paul: "Three hundred years? What makes you think we'll find him now?"

Selene: "I was the one who exiled him."
We finally came to a building that looked like a cross.

Paul: "Looks like a monastery."

Selene: "It used to be.More like a prison now.Tanis has been hiding there since Viktor's oreder.We'll be the first people he's seen in centuries."

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