The Fight

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*3rd Person's pov*

Amila woke up, after what seemed like forever.When she woke up fully, she realized that she was tied to a chair, and a cloth tied around her mouth.She looked around the dark room frantically, but stopped when someone put a blindfold on her.

???: "I can't have you controlling me, now can we?"

Amila couldn't believe it,she had just been kidnapped by James."How did he get past Alice's vision" she thought.All she heard was him walking around her.

James: "Now, we are going to make a movie for our dear Edward."

James held a camera out, and started to record everything.

James: "Let's see....What shall we do for fun?"

He had done some reading about her kind of vampire,and picked up some torture ideas.He had a tray full of silver tools, he knew sunlight won't work on her.So he picked up a large knife,and put it against her cheek....while he recording.

James: "I wounder if silver does any damage to you...Oh well, we'll find out,won't we?"

He slowly made a cute on cheek, while smiling.

James: "Let's see how Eddy boy will feel, if I did this......"

He slowly pushed the knife into her stomach causing her to scream.
*?'s pov*

I was on my way to Amila's place but stopped when I hears a dark chuckle.I stopped by a dance studio in Phoenix, because I smelt Amila's scent.So I followed it, and the dark laugh, I looked through the window and what I saw scared me but pissed me off.Amila was tied to a chair with her mouth and eye's covered.That blonde guy just stabbed her in the stomach.I got so pissed that I jumped through the window.


He looked at me

Blonde guy: "Who are you?" 

Me: "Why should I tell you?"

After that, I lunged at him.I threw him across the room, then I ran and untied Amila.She stood up shakening.

Amila: "Selene?"

Before I could say anything I was thrown across the room.When I looked back I saw the blonde guy had Amila against the wall.I know she is to weak to use any of her powers.I wanted to go to her but I can't get because of a piece of glass in my leg.I can hear their conversation, I did learn his name James.Amila yelled at him after throwing me, he had a camera facing Amila.

James: "And action!" 

I quickly looked back and looked away from the camera.

James: "Aw..That'll break Edward's little heart."

Amila: "Edward has nothing to do with this!"

James: "Oh, But he does...His rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you.And let's continue." 
*3rd person's pov*

While Selene was trying to get the glass out of her, Amila sprayed some pepper spray in James eye's.She knew she ccouldn't use her powers because she is to weak right now, but the spray only made James mad and jumped over to Amila, who tried to run to her friend.He grabbed her and threw her down, making her yell, and hit her head.

James: "Very good.Very visual dynamic..I chose my stage well."

He the hand that had her blood on it.

James: "It's to bad he didn't have the strength to try and turn you.I am very curious to see if biting you will kill you or make you stronger."

Amila jerked her hand away.

James: "Instead, he kept you this fragile little hybrid.It's crule, really."

He smiles then grabs her leg, and crushed it.Amila couldn't help but scream. 

James: "Tell Edward how much it hurts.Tell him to avenge you.Tell him!"

Amila: "No! Edward,don't!"

James: "Tell him! Tell him!"

James was suddenly thrown across the room, Amila started going to Selene when James looked up.Edward was in a fight position, he turned and saw Amila with a stabbed wound in the stomach,crushed leg.Then he looked at James pissed, but James was faster and pushed Edward into a mirror. 

James: "Your alone.Ćause your faster then the others.But not stronger."

Edward: "I'm strong enough to kill you!" 

Edward got free, and kicked Jamea then he picked Amila up.

Amila: "I can't leave Selene."

Edward turned around,and found his love's best friend on the floor.Selene looked at him and shouted.

Selene: "RUN!"

Edward didn't need to be told twice, he jumped to the window with his love in his arm's.But was stopped by James, who through them across the room.Amila landed near Selene, but she could barely keep her eye's open.Edward landed in a window but looked down when he saw James over Amila.He looked directly at Edward, who lunged at him but wasn't quick enough.Because James bit Amila's wrist, causing her to scream, but was pulled away by Selene.While Edward fought James, Selene had Amila's head in her lap.She knew that the venom will cancel her venom out, but she just wished it wasn't so painful.Selene was crying at this point.

Selene: "I'm here Am..Keep your eyes open."

The venom was spreading through Amila's body fast when the rest of the Cullens got there.Alice and Rosalie came straight to Amila, but gasped when they saw her hybrid eye's for the first time.Her claws were out, teeth sharp and her hair was pitch black.

Rose: "What's happening to her?"

Alice: "Carlisle!" 

Carlisle and Edward ran to them, while she ran to help Jasper and Emmett. 

Selene: "The venom is canceling out mine, it will make her more strong.But three different venoms in her system, I don't know if she will survive it."

Edward looks torn between sad and not being able to do any.

Edward: "I can try to suck out the venom."

Carlisle: "It's to late, it sprayed faster than normally..All we can do now is hope, and pray she makes it through."

Edward picks her up gently,then starts to take her to her house.The others and Selene knew that as soon as she wakes up,she will be in heat.So they drove all the way back to Forks, Selene was in the back.

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