It's Time

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Edward and Amila sat in their meadow,her belly looks nine months now.Amila just told him when she wants to get married.

Amila just told him when she wants to get married

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Edward: "August 13th?"

Amila: "Yeah.It's a month before my birthday.I don't need to be another year older than you.Plus I'm due anyday now...Alice said she could get the wedding together by then."

That got Edward to laugh.

Edward: "I'm sure she can.There's no rush."

Amila: "I know...I just feel like that it's a great time."

They smiled.

Edward: "And so you're gonna let Alice plan the whole thing?The dress,the reception,the guest list.I mean,who knows who she's gonna invite?"

Amila just giggles.

Amila: "Does it matter?"

Edward: "No,you're right....And our child will be in our wedding."

Amila moves her face closer to his.

Amila: "Yeah,plus we could go on honeymoon."

She kissed his lips.
Amila was laying in bed sleeping,Carlisle and Esme were the only one's with her.Rosalie,Bree and Alice are with the guy's hunting.While Amila slept peacefully but woke up real quick from stomach pain.

While Amila slept peacefully but woke up real quick from stomach pain

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She tried going back to sleep but the pain got worse.She threw her cover's away then looked down,her shocked face was looking at big wet spot on the bed.She tried getting up from her bed but fell to her knees from another sharp of pain.Carlisle and Esme heard the thump and rushed to Amila,they found her on her knees breathing really fast.

Amila: "What's happening?"

Carlisle picked her up.

Carlisle: "It's time."

He looked at his wife,who had a very worried look on her face.

Carlisle: "Call Edward,now!"

She was about to dial his number but Edward called her first.She quickly picked it up.

Edward: "I'm on my way."

Esme: "Okay,we will be in the hospital room."

They hung up,Esme got towels ready while Edward started running faster.

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