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*Amila's pov*

I was stand against the piano while listening to Edward

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I was stand against the piano while listening to Edward.

Edward: "Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves."

Garrett: "Too bad we don't all have your shield."

I looked at him then at Edward.

Me: "If I do that then I wouldn't be able to fight."

Tanya: "No, but you can help the rest of us, if you can project it."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Tanya: "I mean shield someone other then yourself."

I looked at Carlisle.

Me: "Is that possible?"

Carlisle: "Gifts can be developed. Over time."

I looked at Kate when she spoke.

Kate: "At first,mine was just in my palms. Now I can radiate it all over my body."

I couldn't help but be excited because I didn't know I could do that.

Me: "How do you do it?"

When she didn't answer I grabbed her hand smiling.

Me: "Tell me."

Kate looked at me calmly.

Kate: "Ow."

I let go.

Me: "Sorry."

After a while I followed her outside.

Kate: "You need to visualize it. See how it moves. What color it is. Now picture it expanding. Will it to go beyond you."

I tried to focus but nothing happened.Kate looks at Edward then at me.

Kate: "I think she needs something to motivate her."

I saw Edward walk in front of Kate, I knew exactly what they were going to do.

Me: "No."

Edward: "It's all right, I can take it."

Garrett: "He says that now."

Emmett looks at us smirking.

Emmett: "Focus, Am, or he's gonna be hurting."

I couldn't help but panic.

Me: "Edward, I'm not ready to do this yet."

As soon as I said that Kate put her hand on his for two seconds. Edward was on the floor.

Me: "I'm sorry. I said that I wasn't ready."

Emmett: "Dude, you're not motivating her."

Edward got up and looked at Emmett.

Edward: "You want to try?"

I focused more hoping it would reach Edward, but it didn't because he was on the floor in pain again. I was starting to get pissed off because she was holding onto his neck alittle longer.

Me: "Kate!"

Kate let's go.

Kate: "You seem to lack incentive. Shall I go see if one of the kids are awake?"

That pissed me off, so I got in her face.

Me: "Are you crazy?"

Kate: "All right. This one's on full power."

She held up her hand causing Edward to give me a pleading look. I focused more on helping Edward which caused me to feel a force expanding from me, I felt it cover Edward. When Kate touched him, he didn't double over in pain. When she let go I felt the force come back.

Edward: "It's painful, but it's bearable."

I smiled when he smiled at me.

Me: "Okay, we should go again."

Edward steps back then looks behind him.

Edward: "Emmett."

I tried to hide my smile when Emmett held his arms up.

Emmett: "I'm good."
It's ten at night and I was in the girl's room reading them a story,Edward was reading to Casper. I already put Jahoznia to bed,he looks three already. While I was reading to my girl's I was got cut off.

Elizabeth: "Mom?"

Me: "What is it,sweetheart?"

Elizabeth: "Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper leave because we're gonna die?"

I was shocked to hear her ask me something like that but also sad at the same time.

Me: "No. I believe they left to keep us safer. That's what all these other people are here for,too..I'll never let anybody hurt you, your sister and brothers."

I smiled then kissed her forehead,then held her close.

Me: "Come here. Go to sleep."

After she fell asleep I checked on my other kid's and found them all asleep. Then I went into the living room and looked at the message Alice wrote. I heard Edward.

Me: "It's strange. Physically, I feel like I could demolish a tank. Alot more then before. But mentally, I just feel drained."

I can feel his eyes on me while he is rubbing his hand against my arm.

Edward: "How about a bath?"

I smiled then put my head against his when he kissed my shoulder. Then I smiled more when he started to undress me. I looked at him while smiling.

Me: "I do remember how to undress myself."

Edward: "Yeah, I just do it so much better."

I smiled then looked at Alice massage again.

Edward: "Amila."

I looked at him again.

Edward: "I've had a bad habit of underestimating you. Every obstacle you've faced, I'd think you couldn't overcome it. Even with your powers from before. And you just did. You're the reason they have something to fight for. My family."

I felt so touched by his words that I couldn't even say anything, so I showed him by kissing him. When we pulled away he bit his lip causing me to giggle, then he gets up.

Edward: "I'm gonna get the water running."

When he left I held the piece of paper in my hand then I started to think. Maybe Alice had left me another message. I stood up and ran to the bookshelf and opened 'The Merchant of Venice' by Shakespeare. There was a message inside "J.Jenk's,Seattle-destroy this." I through the book into the fire place. Alice made sure only I would get the message. Because we know that only my mind would be safe from, Aro. I smiled when Edward came to get me.

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