before you read

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Before you read this I just want to make  a few things clear

1. This book is my first so there will be mistakes although I will try my best to keep that to a minimum

2. There will be mentions of sexual activity but it will have nothing to do with Ranboo

3. I will try my best to post weekly on Wednesday but I might not be able to sometimes because of school.

4. I will not tolerate Racism, homophobic or overall rude comments. It's okay to give an opinion and some criticism but please don't try to hurt anyone's feeling. We're all human at the end of the day.

5. Reader pronouns used in book will be she/her but you can change them as you please

6. If you have any ideas for future chapters or books please let me know (you can email me at

7. I really hope you enjoy this book

I love you guys so so much

-wolfie <3

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