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I woke up to my alarm screaming in my ears. It was now 8 am. I stretch and rub the sleep from my eyes. then it hit me...

I'm hanging out with Ranboo today!!

I jump out of bed, going to the kitchen to eat. Nobody was in the kitchen or living room so I assumed Niki was still asleep. I decided to make us both breakfast. I got out the ingredients and utensils and started making pancakes.

Once I was done I went and knocked on Nikki's bedroom door. I heard a small "come in" from the other side so I entered. She was sitting on her phone, it seemed like she was scrolling through twitter.

"Good morning" I greet her


"I made you some pancakes"

With that she was out of bed and down the stairs. I didn't even think it was humanly possible to be that fast.

I made my way down stairs after her. We chat for a bit then I go and have a shower and clean myself. I then got dressed. I decided to just wear blue jeans and a white T-shirt.and black sneakers.
It was now  about 11pm so I decided to just chill and watch some Netflix. I put on a movie and relaxed for a bit. Nikki ended up joining me and we talked for a bit after the movie finished.

"So where are you going?" She asked with a smirk almost like she knew I was going to hang out with someone.

"To hang out with Ranboo, he's picking me up in about 2 hours."
Her smirk grew wider

"I new it" I was quite shocked even though it was obvious she knew.

"How did you know?"

"You talk in your sleep" she giggled

"I do not" I scoffed

"Do to~" she said mockingly.

"Oh whatever" I scoffed playfully.

We chatted longer laughing and giggling. We talked about streaming and she wants to invite me to stream with her on the Dream SMP, that sounds pretty cool but I doubt it would happen, at least not anytime soon.

Soon it was 2:30 and I got up to go get my stuff and make sure I still  looked at least a little presentable. Once I decided I was ready I headed down to wait for Ranboo.

Soon enough I get a text from Ranboo

Ranboo: I'm here.
Y/n: ok I'm coming out.

I got up grabbed my handbag and keys and walked out to the car. I get in the passenger seat next to him. He was wearing his mask and glasses, as usual. A black T-shirt and blue jeans and white shoes.

"Hey Ranboo" I say with a smile

"Hey Y/n how have you been" he said with enthusiasm as he started the car and pulled off

"I've been good how about you"

"Never better"

"Soooo where are we going?"

"You'll see"

"Are you kidnapping me?" I said playfully while giggling.

"Yes" he said in a serious tone then we both burst out laughing.

The ride continued. We were talking and getting to know each other better. Soon ranboo stopped the car and told me to close my eyes. I did so and I felt him helping me out the car and lead me somewhere. We walked in silence for a while until I said something.

"Ok now I know you are kidnapping me"

"No I'm not kidnapping you yet"

"Yet??!"I said giggling.

Soon we came to a stop

"Ok you can open your eyes now."

I slowly open my eyes and I gasp in awe of what's infront of me


611 words


Hope you enjoy this chapter. Honestly don't know how you people can read this shit but thanks for the support. New chapter out on Wednesday (as usual)

Okie that's all.

Drink water, eat food and get some sleep. Take care of yourself or I will fly to wherever you are and do it for you.

Ok byeeee!!

- wolfie <3

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