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We are sitting on the couch. Just chilling, watching 'IT chapter 2'. The movie was about half way through. Suddenly there's a jump scare and it had caught me off guard.

I jump in fright and I didn't even realise that I was now literally on Ranboo's lap hugging him. My cheeks beamed red and I start to move off but before I can even get off I get pulled down again.

"C-can we stay like this for a-a bit...?"

I'm now so red from blush and my heart is pumping out of my chest. I obviously want to stay and so I tried to say yes or sure or atleast something but nothing came out. I nodded my head instead and I layed my head on his chest.

Ranboo pov~

'hooollly shiitttt we are actually cuddling'

My heart is pumping so f
ast it's like I'm about to have a heart attack.

We continue watching the movie and soon I hear the sweet sound of her soft snoring indicating that she fell asleep.

Just then the door opens and Nikki appears through the door.

"W-... What is going on here?"

"Shhhhhhhh... She's asleep"

"So I see you guys hung out today then"

"Ya we did"

"Have fun?"


"You like her don't you??"

I was shocked to say the least
"I-I... Yes- yes I do."

She smirked
"When are you going to tell her?"

"I don't know" I sigh

"Well... If you need help with that I'm always available." She slimed sweetly.

" Thanks Nikki, I appreciate it."

"So what are you doing here in Brighton."

"I'm here on holiday and I wanted to meet up with you, Will and, tubbo."

"Oh I see.. how long are you staying"

"4 months"

"Well then you have 4 months to tell her, so no rush."

"Thanks again Nikki''

We continue to talk for a while

"Sooo do you want to stay for tonight?"

"I'd love to" I smiled at her. She smiled back and walked off to get pillows for Y/N and I.

She bid me good night and walked off to her room. I gently shifted Y/n so she was laying on the couch with her head on a pillow. I slowly climb on next to her and wrap my arms around her. I gently drift off to sleep, feeling comfortable and content.


400 words

I'm back. So sorry I didn't post last week Wednesday.  I was really really busy. Buuuut to make it up to you I'll post another chapter in a sec.

Kk see ya then

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