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We sit facing one another. He's glasses are removed and his eyes are piercing through my soul like daggers, but this is not a look of evil or hatred but a look of care and worry. The reason for this worry I don't know but I am determined to find out. I look up at him and make clear eye contact. His facial expression seems to soften.

"Hey are you alright?" I say concern clear in my voice.

"Yeah I-I'm fine.." he said with a stutter obviously trying to hide whatever was wrong.

"Your lying." He looks shocked and confused.

"I-I'm n-not" he stuttered and stumbled

"Yes you are, you can tell me if you want, I won't judge. But if if you don't that's alright I won't pry."

"Its just that I like someone and i don't know what to do." My heart sunk.

"O-oh um- well I think if you really like them you should tell them.."

"Ok I will take that in consideration.."

~time skiiippp~ ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

I start getting my stream ready. Nikki had sent me the server and discord  link and I just tweeted that I'd be streaming soon.

I get my starting soon screen up and have some music playing in the background. Once everything is ready I switch to face cam.
"Hiiii guys!! How are you doing today?"

@dspm_simp: good

@yourmom: I'm doing great

@tiffanyishere: I'm alright

@yourahoe: all good now that I'm here.

"Great it's seems your all alive and well. So today chat we will be doing something very very exciting and special."

@wolf12: Ooo what is it

@shadow_queen: what going on lol

"Ok so as you know my best friend nikki is in the very famous dream SMP. And she spoke to dream and we are going to be invited to the SMP for one time and one time only!"

With that the chat blew up.

@wilbursimp: yaaaaas POGG

@daddy_dream: oh my goodness that's so cool!!

@Poggers090: POOOGGG!

I clicked the link and joined the server where Nikki was already waiting. I joined VC with her

"Hey Nikki!!"

"Hey Y/U!!"

She proceeded to show me around the SMP. As she was telling me something about how Wilbur exploded the nation a dono came up

Ranboo donated: $10

The dono started to read.

"Hey Y/U didn't know you were invited to the smp. I'm going to join now lol."

My cheeks were red. I then see on the screen

Ranboo joined the server.

I texted him to join our VC and soon we heard his voice.

"Hey Y/U and Nikki

"Hey Ranboo" we said in union

He chatted and played for a while then I ended stream.

Then my phone started ringing.
My phone started to ring and I see Ranboo's name on the screen. I smiled but then started thinking about this morning remembering that he like someone else. I answer with a happy voice which I somehow pulled off.

"Hey Ranboo what's up?" I asked a little confused as to why he was calling.

"Hey Y/n I just wanted to ask if you'd like to hangout tomorrow. I'll pick you up."

"Oh um sure where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"You and your suprises" I said with a giggle.

" But you like them though''

" True"

"So tomorrow 3pm?"

"Of course"

"Ok see you then. Good night Y/n."

I was exhausted but really excited. I decided to get some sleep for tomorrow. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. All my trouble faded away into the darkness of night.


Yes yes I know I didn't post last Wednesday AGAIN.
BUT I promise I will post a second chapter today and I will make sure I post this Wednesday as per usual.

Kk chapter 11 coming right up...

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