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I finally arrive at Nikki's house after about a 20 minute drive. I take my keys out of the ignition. I take a deep breath calming my nerves and slowly make my way out the car and to the front door.

I knock on the door and hear footsteps on the other side. They stop and the door swings open and suddenly I get tackled into a hug. I stumble back a little from the sudden weight from the hug but I return to hug and we stand there for a second until Nikki let's go and pulls me inside.

She stops in the living room and looks at me with a '𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠' look. I sigh and look at her at  we sit on the couch. I then take in a deep breath and tell her everything, from what i saw, from back at the apartment to the tall mysterious man who I now know at Ranboo.

She listened to the whole story but I soon noticed when I mentioned Ranboo she froze, her eyes wide open. She looked like she saw a ghost.

"I know Ranboo!!" She finally shouted out of both excitement and shock.

"You do?"I ask curiously

"Yup he's the same age as you too."

"Oh ok well anyways he gave me his number and asked for mine so that he could find out if I was ok."

We continue to talk for a while. Then I helped Nikki make dinner and we ate. She then showed me the spare room that I could stay in. She said I could stay as long as I needed. She also lent me some pajamas to sleep in. We bid each other good night and I slowly make way to the bed and take out my phone to see a notification from the one and only Ranboo.

Ranboo: hey it's Ranboo how you feeling now...?

Y/n: so much better thanks so so much for the talk it was really fun.

Ranboo: it was my pleasure and I'm so glad you feel better.

Y/n: do you know someone by the name Nikki Nihachu by any chance.

Ranboo: ya I know her we stream together. Are you a fan of her.

Y/n: I'm her best friend lol

Ranboo: Wow really
                 Do you stream too?

Y/n: ya my audience isn't as big as Nikki but it's still pretty good.

Ranboo: wow how many people on average watch?

Y/n: about 60k on average.

Ranboo: wow that's great!!

We continue to chat for a while. I eventually had to say goodbye and good night as it was already almost midnight. I needed my sleep as i was going to pick up my belongings from the apartment while jayden was at work.

I closed my eyes but couldnt sleep. My thoughts kept going to what i saw at the apartment. It was eating at my soul.

How could he do such a thing. The guy i loved and cared for. The guy i had dated for 2years. The guy who continously told me he loved and cared about me only to cheat on me with another girl.

Was she the only other girl he was seeing. How long had he been cheating on me.

Tears well up in my eyes as these thoughts contineu to torment my mind

I eventually fall alseep still crying as my mind drifts into the darkness of the night.

579 words


Hope you guys are doing well.
I hope school/work isn't stressing y'all out to much

Anyways that's all til Wednesday

Drink water,eat food and get some sleep.

-wolfie <3

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