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I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs frying in the pan. I got up and walked down stairs. It was like the smell was calling me and pulling me.

I step into the kitchen to see Nikki standings at the stove. She turns around and is clearly startled to see me standing there.

"Good morning Y/n. Are you hungry?"

"Morning Nikki. Yes of course I'm hungry is that even a question."

"Good CUZ your right on time, the foods ready."

She dished up some food for each of us and we walked into the lounge and put on a Netflix show. We sat down and eat and chatted.

"So any plans for today?"

"Ya I'm going to hang out with Ranboo today"

A smirk appeared on her face.

"Ok well tell him I say hi. I'm going out to collab with Wilbur today."

"Ok sounds cool tell him I say hello and that he still owes me ice-cream"

She giggled at me.

"Ok I will"

It was now about 1pm so I decided to get ready. I ran upstairs to shower and change. I decided on black leggings and a white t-shirt with white sneakers. I then checked the time and it was about 2ish. I sat and listened to some music on Spotify while I waited.

As the clock hit 3pm a car pulled into the driveway. I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door locking it behind me since Nikki was already gone.

I walk up to the passenger seat of the car and hop in.

"Hello Mr. Boo how are you on this fine  spring afternoon." I said playfully.

"Why hello (nickname) I'm doing just great now that I have the pleasure of being on the presents of you." He said mimicking me.

We both burst into laughter and I was on the verge of falling over. Once we both calmed down Ranboo started the car and we pulled off.

"So Mr Boo where are we going?"

"If I told you it would ruin the suprise."

"Why do you do this to meeeee" I whine.

"Because it's funny"

"Hmph" I fake pout in a playful manner.

He laughs and continues the drive.

He stopped the car and look at me

"Can you close your eyes please"

"Of course of course as is tradition."

I closed my eyes and allowed him to guide me out the car and to wherever we were going. Soon we came to a stop and he let go of me. I waited for him to speak.

"Ok open them."

435 words

Hehe cliff hangers ت︎

Ok well thats all for today
love you all for the support on this shitty book. I really appreciate it.

Drink water eat food and get some sleep.

Love ya

- wolfie <3

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