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Y/n pov (dream)

He sits comfortably beside me. It's cam and quiet. There isn't another human being in sight. We sit alone in silence and enjoy each other's company.

The scene infront of me is so perfect. The sky is a beautiful pastel gradient of pink, purple and blue with a hint of yellow in the mix. The sun is setting over the mountain range on the other side of the crystal clear waters that flows in waves over the sandy beach. I watch as a flock of Seagulls fly over us in a V- shaped format.

I look over to see him. He sits with his mesmerizing grey eyes glued on the view. Watching the water as the waves roll in onto the shore. His beautiful brown hair that was once neatly combed and swept to the the right oer his eye, now blows in the wind. His long legs , that add to his height make him 6,6feet tall, are stretched out and crossed neatly over one another. He wears blue jeans and a black top accessorized with black sneakers. The half black half white jacket he once wore I now wear over my shoulders to keep warm. I feel safe and content.

The wonderful aroma of sea salt fills the air as the wind starts to pick up. I shiver as the cold runs down my spine. He seems to notice as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. He feels warm and safe and comforting. He looks down at m kie and speaks," I love you Y/n, so much." I smile at him. "I love you too Ranboo." He leans in and we kiss. It's a gentle and loving kiss." We both pull apart and giggle a little. He pulls me closer and we go back to enjoying the view again as the sun disappears behind the mountains.

"Y/n...wake up."
I hear a deep and raspy voice calling me. I slowly open my eyes and unexpectedly I meet a certain tall male's gaze.

"Good morning" I speak up.
"Good morning m'lady. How'd you sleep?"
"Very well." I smiled
"Do you want to go get some breakfast with me."
" I would love that."
"Ok we can leave in about an hour since it's only 7am now."
"Ok I'll go get ready."
I walk up stairs to my bedroom and grab some nice clothes and go to the bathroom to shower and freshen up a bit.
I soon am ready and we leave to go to (insert favourite breakfast place)


Hello again

Ok so this was just a filler but anyways that's all for today.

Drink water eat food and get some sleep


- Wolfie <3

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