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My heart started racing.

"It's so beautiful" I say in awe of the beautiful sight infront of me.

We were standing in the middle of a flower field. On the beautiful green grass layed a blanket and a picnic basket and next to the  basket layed a beautiful bunch of flowers.

It truly is beautiful.

"Do you umm... do you like it...?"

"I-I love it" I said struggling to find the right words"

"Well umm shall we have a seat?" He said in a semi playful manner.
"We shall." I said playfully giggling.

We sat down next to each other. He handed me the bunch of flowers and placed the basket infront of us and packed out all the foods inside. There were containers of different fruits. A container of f/f (favourite food) and other snacks. There was also a bottle of f/d (favourite drink).

He sat there enjoying each other's company, talking and eating together. It was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I just can't believe he did this for me. Why?

"Hey Ranboo why did you do all this?"

"Well what do you mean?"

"Why did you set this all up, I mean don't get me wrong I love this but why didn't you just have us hang out at a random park or something?"

"Well I guess I just wanted to do something nice for you since you have been going through a tough time you know"

"Oh I see. Well thank you.. for everything." I smiled. I don't think I've smiled like this in a long time. It feels good.

"Your welcome princess." I giggled at the new nickname. It was kinda random but cute and funny so I didn't question  it.

"Hey Y/n would you like to stream with me sometime?"

"Sure that sounds great"


"We should do this again.Hang out. Just you and me." He said and I smiled

"That sounds amazing" I smiled again.

Soon it was getting late and we decided it was time to head home. I helped him pack up and load everything in the car.

We got in and drove off. Raboo put on one of his music playlists and we sang along to it together.

Soon we get to Nikki's house and Ranboo stops the car. I sigh. Before I can even say anything he takes off his glasses and looks at me. We make eye contact and I get lost in his beautiful grey eyes. My breathing hitches my heart starts going a million miles a second.

"I really really enjoyed today" he said.

"So did i"I giggled a little. I lean in and plant a soft kiss on Ranboo's forehead. I could see he was shocked and taken back. I smiled and giggled slightly and got out the car.

"Good bye Ranboo enjoy the rest of your evening."

"You too" he said smiling.

I closed the car door and made my way inside. I hadn't even opened the door fully before getting pulled inside by Nikki

I was dragged to the couch and Nikki looked at me


525 words


It's me again. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also....

You guys are so awesome. Thanks so much for the support. I really appreciate it.

That's all for this week. Will post again Monday.

Stay safe. Drink water. Eat food and get some sleep.

Love you all so much
-wolfie <3

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