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"Jayden go away I don't want to hear i-..."

I turn and freeze as I see a much taller man in front of me. He wore a black and white mask and sunglasses, he looks down as me with seems to raise his eyebrows and then he spoke...

"Ummm I'm not Jayden and I think I'm glad I'm not... I'm Ranboo"

I look down embarrassed and then look up back at him

" Oh I'm sorry I thought you were him, my apologies, I'm Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you Y/n"

" It's nice to meet you too Ranboo" I smile

"So umm I know it's not really any of my business but I noticed you were crying so I just wanted to check if you're ok...?" I can almost see the worried expression on his face, even though I can't see it I know it's there

I sigh "it's a really long story..."

"I have time ,if you want to talk about it of course.."

"Well basically I have-or had- a boyfriend named Jayden and I got home after streaming with a good friend of mine and I found him cheating on me with another girl..."

"Oh dear I'm so sorry that happened to you-"

"It's ok I guess I'm better off without him anyways" I sigh.We chat for a while and I start feeling better.

"Well are you going to be ok?"

"Ya I'm ok thanks for listening to my rambling." I giggle a little

"It was my pleasure." I couldn't exactly see but I know he was smiling under the mask he wore.

Well anyways I should probably call my friend to ask if I could stay the night. I sigh.

"Ya you should" he scratches the back of his neck
I take my phone out and text Nikki


𝗬/𝗻: hey Nikki do you think I                 could perhaps stay the night...

𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶: ofc is something wrong

𝗬/𝗻:everything is wrong right now
I will explain later I promise

𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗸𝗶: ok

I look back up at the tall man that currently is seated next to me

He looked back at me, looked down, pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I look at him confused.

"I-I was w-wondering i-i-if you could maybe give me y-your number so I could text y-you later to ch-check on you...",he stuttered out

I giggled slightly. 'Cute' I thought.

I smiled at him and took the phone and put in my number. I then proceed to take my phone out and hand it to him to put his number in.
Once we had exchanged numbers I get up and bid him good night.
It was now about 6 and I made my way back to my car driving back to Nikki's

'its been a really long day ' I thought while driving.


480 words

yes ik its not wednesday yet but i decided to post early since i was already done. Also im going to post on mondays as well so that you guys dont wait that long.☺︎︎

anyways drink water eat some foods and enjoy the rest of your day/evening.


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