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"Ok chat I think we are going to have to end the stream now. Y/n has to head home now too." I hear Nikki say to the chat as it ran wild with people begging us not to end stream. We giggle and said good night and ended stream anyways and before I knew it I was already on my way home.

' It's been a long day ' I thought as I drive home from Nikki's house. We had been streaming together for 5 hours playing Minecraft so I had a bit of a headache now.

I pull up in the driveway of my apartment block and make my way up stairs to my apartment door. I open the door and enter the apartment.

"Jayden I'm home!" I call out to my boyfriend as I walk in. I get no response

"Jayden...?" I call out once more but this time I hear something...a moan.. coming from our bedroom..?

I slowly make my way to the room, the noises get louder. I open the door and my jaw drops.

There in front of me I see clothes scattered across the floor and on the bed I we see my boyfriend with a shocked look on his face and another girl next to him who looked at me with just as much confusion and shock I had.

"Babe, who is this...?" The girl asked Jayden.
"BABE?!" I am just about loosing it right now
"Who the hell is this and why is she in our bed with you naked?!"

Tears are forming in both mine and the girls eyes, at this point and I can't take it anymore.

I grab my coat and handbag and keys and run out of the house to my car, Jayden follows running after me telling me he can explain, but I don't want to hear it. I just want to get out of here.

I get in my car not listening to a word he's saying. I start the car and drive off. I stop at a park, a coupe minutes away from the apartment and get out the car and sit on the nearest bench and let the tears run down.

It still light out since it's only 4 pm . The park is really beautiful but empty. I stay there crying for a while until I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Jayden go away I don't want to hear i-..."


409 words

Hope you liked this chapter
It's pretty short

Hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/evening

Drink water and eat some foods

I love you all

-wolfie <3

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