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I wake up to my alarm screaming from the bed side table. I groan and rub my eyes as I try to rid my eyes of sleep.

I grab my phone and start going through my notifications. It was mainly Twitter and YouTube. Non of them really caught my attention well that's until I saw a notification from Ranboo. I open it and start reading


Ranboo: Hey wanna maybe hang out sometime

Y/n: Sure! When?

Ranboo: is tomorrow at 3pm good for you?

Y/n: sounds great

Ranboo: great I'll pick you up then. :)

Y/n: great I'll see you then :)

Ranboo: cya :)

I put my phone down and let out a happy sigh. I then check the time.

Seeing it was already past 8 I decided to get up. I slowly get up from the bed and rub the last bit of sleep from my eyes.

I walk into the kitchen and see Nikki packing a few bags of groceries away. I assume she went while I was still asleep.

I realise she hasn't noticed me so being the amazing friend I am I decided to scare the shit out of her.

I slowly walk up behind her while she was standing infront of a large cupboard. I jumped on her and yelled "boo!"

Her reaction was priceless. She looked terrified until she realised it was me.

She then proceeded to hit me over and over again on the head with a box of cereal as a way of showing her appreciation :)

After that we eat cereal, yes the one she hit me with, it still tasted great. After that she gave me a bag.

"Here, I got you some toiletries and clothes."

"Thanks, I'ma go shower now." She smiled and walked away.
I walked into the bathroom and opened the bag and took out a sponge, shampoo and soap. I then got undressed and got into the shower.

After that I took out some clothes and put it on. I must say Nikki has great fashion taste.

I headed to the living room where Nikki was and told her I was going to get my stuff from the apartment and that I would be back soon.

She told me that she would come with to help and make sure I was fine and I agreed and we got ready to leave

I grabbed my handbag and keys along with my phone and headed to the car and waited for Nikki.

She came out the house got into the car and we road off to the apartment while listening to music. We sang along and laughed together.

We got there after about a half hour drive. I checked to see that Jayden's car was gone and it was so we parked the car and made our way into the apartment. And got to work on packing all my stuff into the car. Luckily Jayden wouldn't be home til 5pm and it was only 10:30am now so we had loads of time.

~TiMe SkIp~
Me had finished packing my stuff and I had just put the last bag in the car.
I decided to leave a note for Jayden.

The note read: 'bye asshole delete my number never text me again we are officially through. Enjoy your hook ups with all you hoes. Peace."

Yes I will admit that was a bitch move on my part but at this point I don't even care. I am pissed.

Nikki and I get in the car and we drive back home. Sing chatting and laughing.

598 words


Hope you enjoyed this chapter and that life is treating you well.

Drink water, eat food and get some sleep or you will end up like me O.O

- Wolfie <3

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