Chapter 3

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Once they were home from the mission, Flora slept for a couple hours and then got dressed in black skinny jeans, a white shirt, black leather jacket and heeled ankle boots. Of course she had her red tinted glasses and walking cane.

She walks alone along the sidewalk and ends up at the Smithsonian. She had put off visiting Steve's exhibit since she got here because she figured it would be creepy to know all about his life.

But she changed her mind.

The people around her moved out of the way as she moved her cane back and forth, stopping at each display and listening to its audio.

She stops at a display of Steve's best friend, she places her hand in the ledge and feels the braille so she can read all about him. His name was Bucky Barnes, best friends since childhood. She leans closer to see the red, blurry image of his face.

Flora slowly turns to the right as she smells something familiar. It was the lavender shampoo Steve started using, thanks to Flora. She quickly steps over to a vender and pulls out ten dollars. "A hat please. Anything is fine."

The vender takes her money and hands her a Captain America hat,  she quickly puts it on and bows her head as she tries to make it towards the exit.

Of course Steve had spotted her, almost the entire room moved out of her way as she walked. "Flora?"

'Shit.' She says in her head.

"What's up, Captain." She flashes him an awkward smile.

"Are you trying to avoid me?"

She looks up at him in surprise. "What? Why would you think that?"

"Oh I don't went and bought a hat. Bowing your head."

"Maybe I wanted a new hat." She suggests. "How did you even recognize me?"

" are the only blind friend I have."

"We're friends?" She asks in surprise.

"Well I consider you my friend."

"I like that we're friends." She now smiles genuinely.

"Wanna go get some dinner?" He suddenly asks.

"Sure." She holds her hand out. "Can I hold your arm?"

"Of course!" He quickly moves her hand onto his arm and leads her outside. "Can we take my motorcycle?"

She only nods, folding her cane and putting it in the pocket inside her jacket. She sits behind him and holds onto his shoulders. He takes her to a small pizza shop and helps her sit at a table outside.

The two eat and talk about their lives and the things they enjoy. They both loved to read and listen to music, not knowing how to dance at all.

After a few moments of silence, Flora speaks up. "Can I feel your face?"

"What?" He slightly chokes on his food.

"I can't see your face very clear...Can I feel it?"

"Oh sure." He scoots closer to her. " can you see?"

She takes off her glasses. "Well I see the shape of your body, I know what you have light colored hair and that you are very muscular. It's like the world is blurry and on fire, I'm able to see other objects and I can hear heartbeats, breaths. I can smell really good. I know when your lying to me."

"I love broccoli."

"That was a lie." She smiles.

"Just testing you." He smirks.

"I can tell when you smile sometimes...depends on the light. Can't really tell the difference between many colors but I know when they are dark and light." She reaches up and presses her fingers against his face, slowly tracing his jawline. "You have a nice jaw." She nods, her fingers slide over to his nose and mouth. "And lips. I know it's creepy." She chuckles.

"Not at all. If it helps...then I don't mind."

"I know that you have a heart of gold." She says as she slides her fingers up to his forehead. "I can tell you just took a shower this morning and that you are full but thirsty." She slowly slides her hands down his arms. "And that your heart races when I touch you. You are nervous that you will say the wrong thing around me."

"I am." He confesses.

"Don't be. It's okay. I've been blind for fifteen years...I'm used it." She sits back. "I rely on others breathing and heartbeats to see, or other noises. Sometimes where there's too much noise at once, my head hurts and I have to meditate."

"Natasha. Natasha. Natasha." Her phone says as it rings.

"Sorry let me answer this." She holds the phone up to her ear and turns. "Hello?"

"Let's get drinks tonight." Natasha immediately says

"Sure...what time?" Flora asks.

"Eight. Dress sexy."  Flora smiles, she could tell Natasha was smirking. "I'll pick you up."

"Sounds good, see ya then." Flora puts her phone down and apologizes. "We're going out for drinks." She nods. "What time is it?"


"I should get home." She stands.

"I can take you."

"It's okay, I can walk. If I'm's only a few blocks away." She takes her cane out. "We should do this more." Flora smiles and holds some money out.

"It's my treat." Steve grabs her money and wallet and puts it away for her.

"Well thank you."

Flora made her way back to her apartment, and changed into a red dress with her leather jacket. She threw on some heels and did her makeup, fixing up her natural curls before heading back outside to see Natasha waiting for her.

Natasha whistles at her and opens the passenger door. "Look at this sexy lady."

The two only stayed out for an hour since they were both still tired from the previous mission. When Flora got back into her apartment, she heard multiple shots a block away. She quickly threw on her suit and ran to the roof, leaping off and using her grappling hook inside her baton to swing to the next roof. She could see the shape of a man dressed in all black running across a roof. She could clearly see a metal arm in this light.

Flora leaps onto the next roof beside Steve as he throws his shield at the man, he catches it and throws it back at the two. Flora flips out of the way and looks back up to see he was gone. "Who the hell was that?"

"Flora? What are you doing here?" Steve breathes heavily.

"I heard shots...I didn't know it was you." She sighs.

"Nick is down."

Two Devils - Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now