Chapter 4

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Natasha suddenly runs inside the hospital room as Steve and Flora look over Fury's operation. "Is he gonna make it?"

"We don't know." Flora whispers, making sure she's checking on his heart.

"Tell me about the shooter."

"He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm." Steve says, Flora slightly turns as she hears Maria Hill come in.

"Ballistics?" Natasha asks.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Maria says softly.

Natasha nods, "Soviet-made."


Suddenly Flora hears a loud screeching sound from Fury dying and the doctors yelling. She covers her ears and quickly runs out of the room and into a distant waiting room.

She sits down, and tries to meditate to calm her was a mixture of emotions and sounds that set her off. All of it reminding her of her fathers murder.

About an hour later of meditating, Rumlow steps into the waiting room. "Flora?"

"What?" She mutters, keeping her eyes closed. 

"They need you back at shield with Cap." He sits beside her.

"Why me?"

" were found with Steve." He slowly grabs her hand. "I'm sorry about Fury."

Flora quickly snatches her hand back and stands up. "Let's go then."

Although most of the Shield agents she works with knows who Flora is, she still kept on her mask, feeling more comfortable

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Although most of the Shield agents she works with knows who Flora is, she still kept on her mask, feeling more comfortable. She walked beside Steve, lost in her thoughts as they approach Alexander Pierce.

" Ah, Captain. I'm Alexander Pierce."

"Sir, it's an honor." They shake hands.

"The honor is mine, Captain. My father served in the 101st." Pierce turn to Flora. "Hello...?"

"Daredevil." She holds her hand out, deciding not to tell her name.

"Nice to meet you Daredevil." He shakes her hand.

She keeps close to Steve as they walk inside the office and sit across prom Pierce. He shows Steve a photo, Flora doesn't bother to try and look at it....she had a bad feeling about this guy. "That photo was taken five years after Nick and I met. When I was at State Department in Bogota. ELN rebels took the embassy, and security got me out, but the rebels took hostages. Nick was deputy chief for the Shield station there. And he comes to me with a plan. He wants to storm the building through the sewers. I said, 'No, we'll negotiate.' Turned out the ELN didn't negotiate, so they put out a kill order. They stormed the basement, and what did they find? They find it empty. Nick had ignored my direct order and carried out an unauthorized military operation on foreign soil. He saved the lives of a dozen political officers, including my daughter."

Two Devils - Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now