Chapter Seventeen

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"Are you joining us?" Marcus asked me when they all caught up.

"Yes," I answered falling into step with them, "Peyton asked me earlier."

"That's why he was there." The tone in his voice spoke of something different, almost like Erin. He was hinting at something.

"Oh leave her alone." Evelyn said jokingly to him, linking arms with me. I smiled at her and placed my head on her shoulder as we walked. We unlinked soon though, not right to be touching.

When we all made it to the community building, Peyton was already there waiting.

"Early bird." Marcus said teasingly.

"My father has a meeting, he brought me with him since he knows I have a project proposal."

"So are we next?"

"Yes." His arms were folded. We all lined the wall of the building, waiting.

After a while the door opened and an elder poked his head out. "Peyton, you and your friends may come in to propose your project."

"Thank you Thomas." He said as we walked into the building.

We moved to sit on the bench Thomas pointed to, it was facing the panel of leaders. Peyton's father and others there watching us. Andrew stood first.

"We would like to pick up some of the debris around the factionless areas." He said.

An elder looked at him. "Who would be helping?"

"The new members, and few current ones." He looked back at Marcus for that. I almost forgot he wasn't our age, just a year ahead.

"What will you do with the debris?"

"The bigger pieces we can give to the Dauntless to help defend the wall. The small pieces can just be collected and moved to a building where no one lives, or used in construction."

"Have you contacted Dauntless about helping to move the big pieces?"

"No, we were hoping to get approval from you first."

"You don't need our approval. I don't even know why we have things like this. I will accompany you to Dauntless, and then, we will set a time to start."

"Thank you sir." Andrew bowed to him.

We were waved out and the six of us left the building happy.

"This is great!" Marcus said. "I can't wait to help."

"Me either." Natalie spoke for the first time out loud that night.

"We should all get home though. Peyton and I will go to Dauntless tomorrow and get help. You guys help get a team." Andrew said as we passed my house. I nodded and climbed the stairs.


The next day was just us walking around to anyone outside or with open windows, asking if they would like to help. All of them signed a paper so we could get a count. We had thirty members helping, all the new ones and the rest current. When Andrew and Peyton came back with the elder, we learned that some of the Dauntless would come as well, just to help. All in all, we had forty-two people.

As I walked home, Peyton caught up with me.

"Thanks for helping." He said. He looked dirty, probably from the Dauntless compound being underground.

"It's my pleasure."

I didn't like the awkward silence that came over us every time we talked now. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't want to go against rules. Instead, I put my hands in the pockets of my coat.

"So Peyton, how was Dauntless?" I slowed our pace dramatically.

"Dirty. Dangerous. I have much respect for those who live there. They have a bravery that is unmatched."

"Different from here."

"Very. Their rules on touching are non-existent."

"What do you mean?" It seemed like an odd thing to say.

"Hugs left and right, couples holding hands in public. Things like that. I could never imagine Abnegation like that."

"That would be a weird sight." I laughed at the thought of a publicly touching Abnegation couple. Peyton laughed too.

"So, I like having dinner with you."

"I did as well."

He looked down at the ground as we walked. "Thanks for helping Nicole; again."

"You're welcome Peyton." We made it to the spot where Peyton would turn to his home and I would go straight towards mine. I instantly felt sad, until I realized that he was again walking me home. "Maybe next time I walk you home."

"Maybe." He smiled at me.

I didn't know what I wanted to say, but I wanted to say something. I also didn't know how to express a certain feeling towards him. I was never really good a flirting, even in Erudite when I was struggling to fit in. I really hoped that everyone felt this way.

I reached my stairs and spun around on my heels, Peyton was standing very close to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just, wanted to say..." I couldn't get the words out. Nothing would come to mind." He just looked at me.

"There is no need for it." Was all he said before walking off. So badly did I want to grab his hand, but I didn't. That wasn't right. Instead, I sat on my steps as I watched Peyton walk quickly down the street to his home. I wished so badly that I could have said something. What was he expecting me to say?

I stayed on my steps for a long time, not wanting to get up. When it was truly dark out I went in. I didn't take a shower, I just needed to rest.

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