"Y/n, you need to rest," Bucky insists. "Ride in the truck for a bit."
"No, Buck," I respond, "there are plenty of wounded men who need it more than I do, including yourself."
After escaping the burning factory, Steve, Bucky, and I made our way to the treeline, where we met up with the rescued soldiers. Miraculously, we all made it out alive, with only a few cuts and the overall exhaustion of being held prisoner for weeks on end. I led the group to where I hid the truck and, along with a few other vehicles we stole from HYDRA, we began our march back to Italy and the Allied camp.
"Just ten minutes," Bucky begs. "Please."
"Not going to happen, Sergeant," I retort, crossing my arms and sticking my nose in the air.
Steve chuckles at our argument but says nothing.
"It seems like you've had a couple of busy months, Steve," I say to him, trying to change the subject. "What happened to you?"
Steve fills us in as we walk. The night of the Expo, he met a man called Erskine and was offered a chance to become part of Project Rebirth, a project created by the Strategic Scientific Reserve, the SSR, to help us win the war. Steve explains that he was chosen to become the first test subject of the Super Soldier serum because he understood the true value of having power, and that Erskine believed him to be a man with good morals. Steve also explains that the serum enhances everything about a person, not just physically, but also psychologically, making good become better or, in Schmidt's case, making bad become worse.
"That explains why they experimented on us," Bucky says. "HYDRA must be trying to replicate the serum."
Steve looks at us like his worst thoughts have just been confirmed. "I'm sorry you both went through that, if I'd come sooner, maybe you wouldn't have..."
"Don't blame yourself, Steve," I say with a comforting smile. "It's not your fault... Besides, you came for us when the army wouldn't, so thank you."
Four days later, I finally see the tents in the distance and the sound of camp life fills my ears. I feel relief hearing the familiar noise, the last five weeks have been hell for all of us, and it feels good to know that we made it back alive.
"Look who it is!" someone shouts, seeing us approaching.
Soldiers and nurses line the road on either side as we enter the camp, welcoming home their lost comrades with cheers and applause. We become surrounded by the joyous crowd and Steve notices Colonel Phillips coming to investigate the noise.
"Some of these men need medical attention," Steve states, stepping forward and saluting his superior. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action."
I step forward and address Phillips as well. "Sir, I realize I put this camp at jeopardy when I snuck out. I would also like to surrender myself for disciplinary action."
Colonel Phillips looks from Steve to me and back again.
"That won't be necessary," Phillips says before turning to the pretty, brunette woman at his side. "Faith, huh?"
The woman approaches Steve as Phillips walks away. "You're late."
"Couldn't call my ride," Steve responds, holding up a broken device.
As she and Steve gaze at each other, Bucky and I share a look, silently questioning who this woman is.
"Hey!" Bucky shouts to the crowd. "Let's hear it for Captain America!"
Cheering erupts from every side as I look around the crowd, swept up in the joy of being back. When my eyes find Bucky, I notice that he's staring at me.
"Everything okay, Sergeant?" I ask him.
He closes the distance between us, and his hands cup my face as his lips find mine. The kiss is soft and gentle, but it has the urgency of a man who has held back for far too long. I clutch his shirt as he pulls me closer, and my fingers slide up to weave through his hair. We lose ourselves in the kiss, and after what feels like forever, we finally pull apart.
"I love you," I breathe as he rests his forehead against mine.
He pulls back to look at me, and for a moment, I'm afraid that I've said something I shouldn't have. I see the wheels turning in his head as he takes in my words and, as comprehension sets in, a broad smile forms on his face and he embraces me, lifting me straight up off the ground. He swings me in a circle before setting me back down and kissing me again.
"I love you too," he confesses. "I always have. I just didn't think you felt the same way. And with the war and everything... it just never felt like the best time."
At that moment, Steve clears his throat, and we are suddenly aware that we have an audience.
"Well, it's about goddamn time," Steve smiles.
"Shut up, Steve," I laugh, my face turning red.
Bucky smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck.
As the crowd disperses, I see three familiar figures sprinting toward us, still dressed in their field uniforms. Georgia reaches us first and throws herself into my arms, and I feel a jolt through my body as her arms wrap around my shoulders.
"Y/n! Where did you go?" she demands as Marie and Evelyn catch up. "We've been worried sick about you!"
"We woke up to find your bed empty," Marie adds. "Georgia swore that she only dreamt that you left."
"I... uh..." I glance at Bucky, hoping he could help me explain. However, my glance answers the question for me as my three friends notice the men I'm standing with.
"You went after the men," Evelyn states, shaking her head. "That was incredibly stupid and reckless of you."
I laugh as tears flood my eyes. "Yeah. It was incredibly stupid and reckless. I'm sorry I made you worry."
My bunkmates pull me into a group hug before I back away to introduce them to my childhood friends.
"Girls, this is Steve and Bucky," I say, gesturing to each of them in turn. "Guys, these are my bunkmates, Georgia, Marie, and Evelyn."
They greet one another before Georgia speaks directly to Steve. "Hey! You're that Captain America guy! You did that show a few days ago, with the show girls and dancing."
Bucky laughs. "Um, what?!"
"Oh, Steve," I say, trying not to laugh. "You need to show us."
"Maybe later..." Steve replies, trying to hide his obvious embarrassment. "Come on. Let's get you two some real food."

Red, White & Blue | Bucky x Reader
Roman d'amourSince childhood, Y/n Y/l/n, Steven Rogers, and Bucky Barnes have been an inseparable trio, always watching each other's backs. But when WWII breaks out, and Steve and Bucky enlist to fight, how far is Y/n willing to go to ensure her friends' safety...