The three of us run for the door, sprinting across the tarmac.
"Hey, Cap," Sam calls. "How do we know the good guys from the bad guys?"
"If they're shooting at you, they're bad," Steve answers, and Sam takes to the sky in his Falcon suit. Steve turns to me. "I'll take Alpha, you take Charlie."
I nod, separating from Steve and running toward the open hanger bay doors, jumping off the edge of the tarmac and landing on helicarrier Charlie as it slowly rises from below. I'm greeted by a group of HYDRA agents as they open fire, but I project a forcefield to protect myself as I duck behind a stack of nearby crates.
"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about," Sam states through the communicators.
"You okay?" Steve asks.
"I'm not dead yet," Sam replies, the sound of gunshots echoing in the background.
The group of agents approach my hiding spot, and I utilize my own SHIELD training, punching, kicking, and flipping them to the ground, dispatching the agents one by one. I avoid using my powers as much as I can, trying to conserve my energy for when I really need it.
"Falcon, status?" Hill inquires through my earpiece.
"Engaging," Sam replies. There's silence for a few moments before his voice returns. "Alright, Cap, I'm in... Shit!"
An agent peaks around the crate I'm hiding behind, and I kick his gun from his hand before grabbing the collar of his tactical vest and slamming him against the side of the crate opposite us. I grab a grenade from his belt, pulling the pin before rolling it toward the small group of agents approaching between the stacks. It explodes, tossing them in every direction.
"Eight minutes, Cap," Hill warns.
"Working on it," Steve replies.
I dispatch the last of the HYDRA agents as three quinjets appear in the sky, their guns aimed at me. I sprint in the other direction, weaving around the crates as they open fire. Deciding that I have no choice but to use my powers, I project a forcefield, shielding myself as I move for cover.
"Alpha lock," Steve informs us.
"Falcon, where are you now?" Hill asks.
"I had to take a detour!" Sam yells.
I steal a glance over at helicarrier Bravo to see Sam maneuvering in the air, trying to avoid the missiles a HYDRA quinjet shot at him. Sam shuts off his thrusters, somersaulting in the air as the missiles sail past him and hit the glass dome on the underside of the helicarrier.
Sam cheers through the communicators, flying up through the hole in the glass. "I'm in. Bravo lock."
"Two down, one to go," Hill states. "Lieutenant, what's your status?"
Realizing that normal bullets aren't working, one of the quinjets fires a missile at me. I reach forward with my hand, expecting my powers to stop it in its tracks, but instead, the missile passes through me as if it was nothing but air, and it hits the ground behind me, the explosion throwing me forward.
"Uh, I'm a bit delayed," I respond to Hill as I scramble to my feet, wondering what the hell I just did. "It would be a lot faster if I didn't have three quinjets on my ass."
"Hang on, we're coming to you!" Steve says. "Hey, Sam, I'm gonna need a ride."
"Roger!" Sam replies. "Let me know when you're ready!"
"I just did!" Steve yells.
The other two quinjets fire missiles at me as well, and I focus my powers, launching bolts of energy from my fingers to destroy every missile before they can hit me. At that moment, Sam flies up with Steve, dropping him on the deck of the helicarrier before flying off to deal with the nearest quinjet.
Now that it's three against three, Steve takes on the second quinjet as I take on the third. The pilot fires the last of his missiles at me, but I easily destroy them with my powers. In a last effort attempt to kill me, the pilot opens fire once again, but I deflect the bullets with a forcefield before running toward a stack of nearby crates and using them to jump up onto the roof of the quinjet. I tear apart its engines with my powers, causing it to spin out of control as it loses altitude. I jump off as it crashes, landing next to Steve and Sam.
We make our way toward the maintenance door, but out of nowhere, the Winter Soldier charges in from behind a crate, slamming into Steve and pushing him off the side of the helicarrier.
"Steve!" Sam and I shout in unison, running to help our friend.
The Winter Soldier grabs my arm, pulling me back before grabbing one of Sam's wings, throwing him in the other direction. Sam pulls out his handguns, opening fire as I charge at the Soldier, trying to distract him long enough for Sam to help Steve. I throw a punch, but the Soldier grabs my arm, twisting it behind my back and holding me there as he shoots a small grappling hook at Sam's wing. It pierces the metal, and the Soldier pulls on the cord, ripping the wing from the rest of Sam's suit.
I send a wave of energy at the Soldier's torso, tearing myself from his grip and kicking him down. He scrambles to his feet, charging at Sam and knocking him over the side. I sprint toward the Soldier as he tries to kick me, but I duck under his leg, kicking the back of his other knee.
He collapses as his leg gives out, and I try to pin him to the ground, but he grabs my arm, tossing me off the helicarrier. I reach out, hoping to grab onto anything that will break my fall. Luckily, I manage to grab a handhold, using it to pull myself up onto a metal ledge.
"Steve?! Sam?!" I call over the communicators as I climb back up to the deck. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, we're here!" Steve replies, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
"We're grounded, the suit's down," Sam adds. "Sorry, kid."
"Don't worry," I tell them. "I've got this."

Red, White & Blue | Bucky x Reader
RomanceSince childhood, Y/n Y/l/n, Steven Rogers, and Bucky Barnes have been an inseparable trio, always watching each other's backs. But when WWII breaks out, and Steve and Bucky enlist to fight, how far is Y/n willing to go to ensure her friends' safety...