Chapter Twenty-Six

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V-E Day, the war is over, it's a time for celebration. A group of young boys run past me as I walk through the streets of Brooklyn, one of them holding a trashcan lid painted like Steve's shield. I smile at the sight, proud of the legacy my friend left behind.

Reaching the memorial, I scan the wall, the wooden board covered with photographs, letters, and trinkets belonging to the loved ones who never made it home. Finding an empty spot, I take the photograph from my pocket. It's a photo of me, Steve, and Bucky standing together in our uniforms, right before our first mission with the Commandos.

"Welcome home, soldiers," I say, pinning it to the wall and placing my hand on the photo, a sad smile on my lips.

"I thought I might find you here," a voice says, and I look over my shoulder to find Peggy. She turns her gaze to the photo before continuing. "They would be proud of you, you know."

"Hey, Peggy," I reply, turning to face her. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you... and to discuss something," she says, offering me her arm. Slowly, I slip my arm through hers. "Let's have a cup of tea, shall we?"

She leads me back to her accommodations and puts the kettle on to boil as I sit down at her kitchen table.

"The world is at peace, for now," she finally says, placing a cup down in front of me and taking a seat. "But who's to say that there won't be more threats in the future."

"Right," I say, sipping my tea, waiting for her to continue.

"I want to start an organization. A group of people to help keep the world safe."

"I like the sound of that, Peg," I say. "But do you really think the two of us could do that?"

"I already have both Howard and Colonel Phillips on board."

I think about this for a moment. With the four of us working together, each with our own specialties, it could work.

"What would we call this organization?" I ask her.

She sips her tea and tilts her head slightly. "I haven't thought of that yet."

At that moment, I remember the boys I saw playing in the street. "How about SHIELD? After Steve's legacy?"

She smiles at me, "I love it."

A few weeks pass and I find myself in a meeting with Peggy, Phillips, and Stark. Our new SHIELD office is spacious, located under the army base in Wheaton, New Jersey. Peggy tells me that this is where Steve was trained, and the idea of Captain America was conceived, so it was only natural that SHILED start here, and it's decided that SHIELD will be an intelligence organization, monitoring potential threats and keeping the world safe.

"One more thing that I should mention," Colonel Phillips says. "During Operation Paperclip, the United States government recruited German scientists they deemed to have strategic value. Among them was Dr. Zola, and it is my intention to recruit him into SHIELD."

"Zola?" I ask, and I turn to Peggy as fear sinks into my stomach, remembering my capture.

"Is that the best idea?" Peggy asks Phillips, quick to defend me. "He experimented on our soldiers, including Y/n."

"I know you have a rough history with Zola," Phillips empathizes as he turns to me. "But he's currently under military watch and I believe he can be a great help to us."

I ponder this for a moment before replying. "If you think he can help..."

Days later, I enter the office to find a newly placed Wall of Valour. On the wall are photos of Steve and Bucky, and beside each photo is some writing explaining who they are and naming them war heroes as well as honorary agents of SHIELD.

"They deserve to be apart of this," Stark states as he joins me.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark," I say.

"Please, call me Howard," he replies, "we've been through enough together."

I smile, "Thank you, Howard."

"Ah, such a shame," another voice says from my other side, startling me.

I turn around and come face to face with the man of my nightmares, Arnim Zola, being escorted in by two soldiers. I freeze, fear still wired in my brain.

"'James Barnes,'" Zola reads, "such a waste."

"Keep his name out of your mouth," I warn, fear turning into fury.

"You could have been greater," he continues, still looking at the photo, "if only I had been able to complete my work."

I stare at him, trying to control the rage as it slowly takes control.

"I wonder if he would still be alive," Zola ponders, "if only you were stronger..."

I snap, and a blue pulse explodes from me, knocking everyone to the ground. The soldiers scramble to their feet, aiming their guns at me as tendrils of my power snake around my arms and torso.

Breathing heavily, I gaze around at their terrified expressions, and I realize that they're afraid of me, of what I've become. I stare murderously at Zola, my anger growing, but a soft touch on my arm draws my attention. I flinch away from it as I turn to find Peggy standing there, her arm still outstretched.

I close my eyes as I take a deep breath, and the energy dancing around the room slowly fades. With a final glance at Zola, I storm through the office in the other direction, quickly followed by Peggy and Howard. We enter a small briefing room, and I take a seat at the table, hiding my face in my hands as Peggy sits beside me.

"What the hell was that?!" Phillips demands, storming into the room.

When I don't respond, Peggy does, "Zola's experiments did more to her than you know."

The room is silent while Phillips waits for someone to explain. No one does.

Finally, I speak. "I'm a threat."

"What?" Peggy asks, turning to me as I raise my head.

"I'm a threat," I repeat, looking her in the eyes. "We don't know what Zola did to me and I clearly can't control it. Who's to say I won't blow up a building next? Or the city?"

"We won't let that happen," Peggy assures me.

"I know you won't," I agree. "That's why you need to lock me up or something."

"We're not going to do that."

"Peg, I'm dangerous."

"That doesn't mean that we need to lock you up."

"We might not have to," Howard cuts in. "We've been working on an innovative technology, a freezing chamber. Theoretically, we could freeze you for the time being and thaw you out at a later date."

"Howard, we don't know the long-term effects—" Peggy begins.

"I'll do it," I cut in. "Freeze me and only thaw me out if the world is in jeopardy, like another war or something."

"Are you sure about this?" Peggy asks me.

"Peggy, I'm struggling without them," I confess. "I need to do this. This is my choice."

Howard and Peggy lead me into one of the laboratories where a metal pod sits in the middle of the room. Flashbacks of my capture appear before my eyes, but I push them aside, I'm here by my own free will.

"Now remember," I say, turning to Peggy as Howard prepares the chamber, "only unfreeze me if you have no other option."

Peggy nods and I give her one last hug before turning to enter the pod, and Howard comes over to hook me up to various monitors and needles. He gives me a final nod before closing the chamber door.

The last thing I feel before blacking out is my entire body turning to ice.

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