Bucky kicks the grenade to Steve, who covers it with his shield to smother the explosion. Gunfire rains through the window to my left and, forgetting that I can project forcefields, Bucky grabs the mattress from the floor, using it as a shield to protect us. I grab the kitchen table with my powers and fling it at the door, lodging it between the walls of the narrow entryway to prevent the police from breaking in.
At that moment, two officers swing through the windows on cables, landing on the floor between us and Steve. They aim their rifles at Bucky, but Steve drops to the floor, pulling the rug out from under one as Bucky grabs the other by the head and slams him into the wall. A third officer swings in through the kitchen window behind Steve, but Bucky charges at him, kicking the officer out the window.
Steve grabs Bucky's arm. "Buck, stop! You're going to kill someone."
Bucky flips Steve to the floor, punching a hole in the floorboard just inches from his head and pulling up the hidden backpack from below. "I'm not gonna kill anyone."
Bucky tosses the backpack the kitchen window and over to the roof of the next building, and I rush forward to grab the loose notebook from the counter, shoving it into my jacket pocket. Bucky's notebooks are important to him, they hold his precious memories, and I don't want one to get left behind.
As we turn to exit the apartment, another officer swings in through the far window, blocking our escape. He opens fire as Bucky pulls me behind him, Steve lifting his shield to protect the three of us. A second officer swings in from the window directly to our right, and Bucky shoves Steve toward him, knocking them both through the window and onto the small balcony. I move toward the remaining officer, creating a wall of energy to block his bullets before grabbing him with my powers and forcing him though the bathroom door.
I turn to Bucky, giving him a nod, and he nods back, knowing what to do. I use my powers to pull the table out of the way and Bucky charges at the door. Before he can crash into it, I phase the door out of place, allowing Bucky to charge though the now empty doorframe and tackle the officer on the other side. The men collide, and the officer is knocked unconscious as he hits the floor. I quickly follow Bucky into the stairwell, launching a few bolts of energy at the remaining officers, forcing them out of the way.
Shattered glass rains down as an officer crashes through the skylight, descending on a wire. His feet land on the floor in front of me, but before he can do anything, I kick the gun from his hands and slam him into the wall. Two more officers approach us from the stairs, and Bucky picks up the forgotten battering ram, using it to knock them to the floor.
Peering over the railing, I see more men climbing the stairs. "Bucky! We have incoming!"
Bucky grabs the unconscious officer, still hanging above the stairwell on his wire, and uses him to swing down to the next level, kicking a few officers out of the way for me to follow.
As I scurry down the stairs after Bucky, I hear a scuffle from behind me, and I quickly glance back to see Steve is following us, defending our backs as we escape.
A bullet flies past my head, hitting the wall, and I turn back around to see Bucky punching the officer away from me, the momentum forcing the officer to flip over the railing. Before he can fall, Steve grabs his tactical vest, hauling him back onto the landing.
Steve glares at Bucky with annoyance. "Come on, man."
I rush down to the next level, phasing a door out of place as Bucky uses the banister to swing down, kicking an officer through the doorway. I phase the door back, trapping the officer inside.
Suddenly, I hear a click, and I spin around in time to see Steve throwing his shield at the officer behind me, knocking the rifle away before he can shoot me. I look up at Steve, nodding in thanks.
A second later, Bucky wraps his arm around my waist as he jumps over the railing, and I shriek in surprise, clinging to him as we drop several stories. I will my powers through my body, the familiar tug of energy appearing in my chest as the world closes in around us.
In the blink of an eye, we're on the landing, and I angrily shove Bucky's shoulder. "You could have warned me!"
Bucky chuckles, breaking through another door and running down the hallway toward the window, jumping over to the roof of the next building. I do the same, teleporting myself the rest of the way when I realize my jump is too short. I tuck and roll as I land, coming to a stop next to Bucky, and he pulls me to my feet, grabbing his backpack and leading me across the rooftop.

Red, White & Blue | Bucky x Reader
RomansaSince childhood, Y/n Y/l/n, Steven Rogers, and Bucky Barnes have been an inseparable trio, always watching each other's backs. But when WWII breaks out, and Steve and Bucky enlist to fight, how far is Y/n willing to go to ensure her friends' safety...