Chapter Fifteen

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Later that day, the team takes Thor and Loki, who is handcuffed and muzzled with Asgardian equipment, to a brick walkway in Central Park. One by one, Thor shakes hands with each of us, with only the slightest hesitation from me, before giving the recovered Dr. Selvig a hug goodbye.

Tony opens the case holding the Tesseract, and Banner carefully takes it out with a pair of tongs before placing it inside a glass tube, handing it to Thor. Holding the handle at one end, Thor extends the glass tube to Loki, who reluctantly takes hold of the handle at the other end. In a flash of light, the Asgardians are gone.

One-by-one, the rest of our team splinters off, strolling in different directions.

"So, what now?" I ask Steve as we approach his motorcycle.

"I'm not too sure," Steve admits. "I guess we just go back to just living, to trying to find our place in the world..."

"Yeah, about that..." I reply. "I was talking to Natasha earlier. She mentioned that SHIELD's headquarters is in Washington now, and I've been thinking that maybe working with SHIELD again isn't such a bad idea... I mean, what's the point of being able to do what I can do if I don't use it to help people?"

Steve tilts his head. "Are you no longer afraid of your powers?"

I offer him a small smile as I raise my hand, letting a few wisps of energy curl around my fingertips. "Not entirely, but it's a start. I want use them for something better, I want to use them for something good."

Steve nods in understanding, handing me a helmet. "Washington it is."

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