Chapter Eight

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The dogs snap and claw at us, attacking our army at every angle, and I race toward the nearest one, calling my powers to my hands. However, as I'm about to launch a bolt of energy at it, it falls to the ground, dead. I spin on my toes, finding another target, only for that one to be shot dead as well. Again and again, my targets are killed before I can do anything, until finally, I spot Bucky standing nearby, his rifle stilled aimed at the dog I was about to attack.

"Barnes!" I shout angrily. "Let me hit something!"

Chuckling to himself, Bucky doesn't notice the dog charging at his back, and it launches itself at him, tackling him to the ground and snapping its jaws at his throat. I sprint toward them, sliding the last few feet, and blast the dog away. More dogs dash toward us, and Bucky scrambles to get back up, but I push him down before throwing my hands out and projecting a large shockwave of energy, hitting everything within a five-meter radius.

"Thanks," Bucky says as we hurry to our feet, amazed by my sheer power.

"Anytime," I reply, eyes searching for my next target.

We continue fighting back-to-back, but no mater how many dogs we kill, more take their place. Sparing a glance around the battlefield, I notice our troupes aren't faring so well either, slowly becoming overwhelmed.

"There's too many of them!" Banner shouts in my earpiece, and I start to feel the prickling sensation of dread in my chest as I realize he's right.

However, before all hope is lost, a large beam of rainbow-hued light descends in the middle of the battlefield, and a large axe flies out of it, rapidly spinning like a boomerang and wreathed with lightning as it tears through the dogs, freeing a few warriors and friends who were knocked down. The axe circles back to the light, and a hand catches it as the beam disappears, revealing a short-haired Thor in his signature red cape and silver armor. Flanking him on either side are two figures, a tree-like humanoid, and raccoon holding a large gun.

A short distance away, Banner opens the helm of the Hulkbuster to shout at the enemies. "You guys are so screwed now!"

"Bring me Thanos!" Thors hollers as he charges into action, running toward a horde of dogs with his new friends following close behind. Lightning gathers around him as Thor launches himself into the air, plummeting into the densest concentration of dogs and creating a crater in the earth as a shockwave of lightning propels outward.

With Thor joining the fight, the numbers no longer overwhelm us, and I stick close to Bucky's side as we pick off the dogs one by one. Eventually, our movements put us right next to the raccoon and I feel his eyes on me as I aim and fire at another dog.

"Hey, Dollface!" the raccoon shouts between bursts of gunfire. "Where'd you learn to do that with your hands?!"

"An evil scientist experimented on me!" I yell back, dispatching a handful of dogs with a wave of energy.

"Oh yeah?! Join the club!" the raccoon replies before turning his attention back to the dogs charging toward us. "Come and get some, space dogs!"

"Y/n!" Bucky shouts over his shoulder as the group of dogs close in all around us. "Jump on!"

I follow his orders, jumping onto Bucky's back as he grabs the raccoon by the vest he's wearing, lifting him clean off the ground before spinning in circles.

"Come on, get some, get some!" the raccoon shouts gleefully as we fire our weapons in every direction.

Once the area is clear, I jump down from Bucky's back as he releases the raccoon, who looks up at him.

"How much for the gun?" he asks.

Bucky snaps off another burst of gunfire. "Not for sale."

"Okay, how much for the arm?" the raccoon haggles.

Bucky pauses for a moment, giving the raccoon a look of disbelief before walking off.

I follow him, but I hear the raccoon mumble behind me, "Oh, I'll get that arm."

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