Who's Lola?

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The next day began as usual. It didn't stay that way but it did start off normal. Like most days Jack woke up after a good night's sleep and was ready to start the day. He brushed his teeth (as normal) had breakfast (as normal ) and went to school (as normal).

As soon as he got to school, though, he noticed his friends huddling around in a corner of the playground. Well, almost all of his friends! Lola was nowhere to be seen. At first, he thought she was off sick as you would do if someone was not at school.

He walked up to them and asked, "Is Lola sick today?"

Tommy started laughing and just managed to get out, "Who on Earth is Lola?"

Lily joined in after her giggles had died down, "Probably his imaginary girlfriend!"

Jack was beginning to get angry, "I'm serious guys stop joking with me."

"We're not joking with you, who is Lola?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah it's always just been us: the troublesome trio," Lily added.

"Just you wait until register and then this little prank of yours will be over!" huffed Jack before he stormed off.

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