We're in

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WOW. The entire school database is accessible in the office room by typing the password "password"! Once all of this was over (if it ever was) then he would definitely have to report that to the head. However, currently, there was no time for that as he had finally hacked in. OK, now he had to come up with the list of names of everyone who has ever been in this school. After ages of filing through many different things that looked like boring grown-up stuff, he finally found it.

It had certainly been an eventful day at school. One that was about to end and one that was going to be put behind us. Jack's found the place to search for all the people in the school. He types in Lola. On his screen, a flickery button comes up and then disappears. There was a small image of her rapidly disappearing and coming back again. Jack clicks on it and it came up with the text: ERROR USER NOT FOUND.

Outside of the office room, Jack could hear light footsteps tapping on the floor. Jack's heart was in his mouth! He had thought that everyone had left ages ago. If so then who was this person outside? Jack turned the computer off and quickly lept under the desk. CREAK. The office door opened and a strange dark figure wearing fully dark clothes and a dark hoodie stepped in. His face was hidden but whoever the person was they certainly didn't look nice. Jack noticed something sticking out of one of his pockets. It was a playing card. The ace of spades to be precise.

Jack could make out the person saying something but it was muffled by his mask, "One down, many more to go."

Jack did not believe it. Did this person have something to do with the disappearance of Lola? That still doesn't explain how they are making people forget all about the people ever existing. Even so, this person (well, a person as far as I know) definitely had something to do with all this but how and in what way? The man (again, I assume) looked like he was looking for something. It seemed that whatever he was looking for was not in there because he left just as quickly as he had come in.

Who on earth was that guy?

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