And so the mystery begins

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Empty. That was a one-word way to describe Jack's brain. Empty. Where did things go from here? If he spoke out in class again he would most likely be in detention after school. On the other hand, if he didn't then he would be all on his own in this case. Nobody else would know about what was going on and the trouble that he was going through.

"Miss, " Jack boldly said. "Is Lily off sick today."

"Jack, first you do this yesterday and now you disrupt my class again today. You don't have the right to stop them from learning. In my office after school and don't you dare try to slip away."

Well, that went well. He should of definitely, absolutely, without a doubt, stayed quiet. This was not good for three reasons :

1. His mum was sure to find out.

2. He was in a lot of trouble with his teacher.

3. Everyone would think he was a complete weirdo.

This couldn't happen. That was no reason to blurt this out though.

"I'm only joking Miss. I'm kidding with you. Same as yesterday. I made Lola up."

" I'm extremely amused, " replied the teacher sarcastically, " You've got the whole class laughing, " she added in a dull tone.

That was good. Surprising? Yes, but good. It was rather shocking that he could get away with it just like that. Could he though? The real question was had Jack survived the detention that the teacher had been talking about? He wasn't sure if he had; anyway, he would know soon enough. So, the morning passed on as normal ( normal being his teacher droning on and on and on about how you can't write a number in English and how he wasn't doing well in school) and Jack began to feel slightly and only slightly relaxed.

Big mistake. As the clock struck for lunch, yet again, he was kept in for Lunch! 

"So Jack. Really funny joke, eh?" the teacher asked.

"I'm so sorry Miss I just . . . wasn't feeling myself yesterday. You know how everybody has a bad day sometimes. I'm sure everything was just a misunderstanding and all of this is nothing at all to be worried about."

"Is that right? I'm onto you Jack, you can deny it as many times as you want but I know the truth. I wasn't born yesterday you know? Whatever you are up to, keep your grubby little hands away from situations that aren't yours. Good, now go off to play. Detention is off for now but if I hear even a peep out of you then it's double, understand?

"Yes, miss."

"Alright, go off then and remember my advice: whatever you are doing keep your nose in your own business. That would be all from me. Have a good break," she said smiling.

Jack swore he could taste her putrid evilness from a mile away. He didn't think that the teacher was a part of whatever was going on but he also didn't think she was innocent. Something was up and he was going to find it at all costs. This ended now. . . 

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