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(In perspective of Matthew Crustello):

As the sun and moon argued, so did the people, and what had been a simple argument (sun or moon?) had turned into a civil war! The result of this disagreement caused a divide of our town into two parts, one for the Lunas, who were more into the moon and the other side for the Sols who believed that the sun was better. The more we lived on opposite sides, the more we grew to resent and hate each other. I know what your wondering, what side did I decide to join? Well, there was a little area in the middle, a small group of people who didn't want to choose, who just wanted this civil war to end, to have peace and get rid of resentment, this is the group I belong to, the group that calls themselves Media. Now every few nights, either the Sols or the Luna's decided to raid the opposite side, to steal food and supplies from each other, to crush the competition. Now our group's job was to prevent this, to prevent any of the opposite sides from hurting each other. After all, we were still the little town of saddle-burg we still had a remote chance, of being the people we once were.

Sun and Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now