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(In perspective of Matthew Crustello):

"Are you ok?" A medical assistant kneeled by me, dabbing a small wound on my head. But that was the least of my worries, Pandal, he had betrayed all of us, but why did I take it so personally? I mean, we hadn't done anything to encourage him to do this, had we? As I shooed off the medical assistant I walked over to the rest of my team. They looked both tired and devastated, even Andrometa didn't have enough energy to think up a quippy insult. "Look guys, I know you must be taking this betrayal rather hard, but let me be the first to say, your not alone. Pandal was a close family friend, I just don't see why he would do something like this." I gave Danny a wet rag to wipe some of the dried blood off her face, boy, that burly man had a grip of steal. Even if my little sentimental speech was supposed to make us feel any better, we were far from being happy any time soon. I finally gave in to the sadness and sat by my now only two team members. Then Andrometa turned, and let out a slight,
"Thanks Crustello," I knew she found it hard to say because she was cringing. I patted her on the back and I thought I saw a faint smile.
"Well! If you guys are done throwing a pity party, I need your help on something, mainly you Crustello." Commander Zana stood above us holding a standard issued tablet. She tapped it a few times and pulled up a video feed of, oh no, it couldn't be, it was impossible! There, Zana held a recording of Matthew hopping into the OFF LIMITS ZONE.

Sun and Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now