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So, would you all believe this book all started with an attempted poem? It's funny but, and I'm just gonna say it outright, I SUCK AT POETRY. I just started thinking that night, what if I could make this into a book, and, what do ya know, it became one. And when I started writing, I was so unsure about how it would do, and yet so sure that it was going to be awesome.

Soooo, yeah, cliff hanger, and a heart-breaking one at that. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I just wanted to let everyone know right now, I am going to write a sequel so don't freak out! Also thank you all for reading these chapters, especially with my lateness in publishing things all the time! IT MEANS SO MUCH!

I just wanted to acknowledge as she put it, "my best friend and fellow author" camiD360
Let's just say, I couldn't have done it without her. (late night text messages trying to figure out what's gonna happen next in both of our stories and assists to get past writer's block :p) (also if you have time check out her profile and stories, some quality work!)

Anyways, you wouldn't believe all of my excitement while writing this book! At times, I had the entire end scene laid out in my mind and I wanted to just blurt out everything I had in store for these amazing characters at once. I am so sad that this is the end of this amazing book, but it definitely won't be the end of these character's story.

Just in case your wondering, my sequel's name will be ESTRELLAS, and I am thinking that this next book will be the book to end everything, we'll see. Anyways, the ending will probably be much happier than this one. LOL 😂


Sun and Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now