Trauma Bonds

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***messages with Richie***
Amber: Going to see Stab next weekend
Richie: Duh. Me too. Should I wear my Ghostface costume?
Amber: LOL, repeat a little Stab 2?
Richie: Knew you'd get the reference;)
Amber: Was that a test?
Richie: You'd pass any test. Will Woodsboro be crazy because of the new one?
Amber: Nah, the last murder spree put everyone off from it.
Richie: But it's made that place iconic!
Amber: I know, trust me.

Amber woke up the next morning to a loud BANG in the kitchen.

She immediately sat up straight in her bed. Her mom didn't cook, and both of her parents should've been gone by then.

She quietly snuck into the kitchen to investigate.
She found the source of the noise to be Tara, who was cooking pancakes.

"What the fuck dude," Amber exclaimed.

Tara frowned, "I should've warned you."

"You think? Nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Amber Freeman scared? Whoa," Tara giggled as she pushed a plate towards Amber.

Amber rolled her eyes, "Thought you'd be over much later."

Tara smiled, "I told you I missed you. Plus I'm feeding you."

"True, no complaints here then," she said as she sat down at the counter.

Tara smiled as she leaned over the counter across from her.

The two girls ate their pancakes in comfortable silence. This was a regular pass time for them. They'd constantly be at one another's house.
Tara would cook because Amber could burn water. Then they would watch Netflix all day.

However, today was the first time in weeks that they'd been alone for an extended period of time.

While lounging on the couch, Tara noticed Amber was distracted.
She was on her phone more than she usually would be around Tara.
She'd barely even look up to reply.

"Are you texting Mindy," Tara asked suddenly.

Amber arched an eyebrow.

"No, why," she replied dryly.

"Just wondering."

"Oddly specific. Should I be texting Mindy?"

"I...don't know. It's whatever."

Amber was fighting back a smile. Her little game had totally worked on Tara.

Tara looked over at her, "Do you even like Stab?"

Amber shrugged, "It's not awful. What's with the interrogation?"

"I've just never heard you mention it. We never watch them."

"You don't like them."

Tara frowned.
Was that why Amber hadn't invited her?
Or did she want to be alone with Mindy?

Amber smirked at Tara, "If you wanted to watch Stab just say that."

Tara scoffed, "I don't want to watch that cheese-fest."

"Excuse me, little miss elevated horror."

"I like watching things that make you think."

Amber rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at Tara, which hit her face.

Tara squeaked, "Bitch!"

She proceed to throw the pillow back at Amber, who barely dodged it.

Tara lunged across the couch and pushed Amber back against it.

She struggled to pin Amber's arms down because Amber was definitely stronger than her.
Tara moved onto Amber's lap to get a better hold of her.

Their sudden proximity caused Amber to freeze, which Tara used to her advantage.
She pinned Amber's arms down at her side and smiled down at her.

"I win," she gloated in a singsong tone.


They watched Netflix for the majority of the afternoon.

"I'm going to break things off with Wes," Tara said breaking their silence.

Amber's eyes widened.


"It's...just weird."

"Well, I could've told you that."

"I just don't want to hurt his feelings."

"How far have y'all gone?"

Tara's cheeks blushed at the question.
Amber hoped this was not an indication of the truth.

"Not far at all. We've barely kissed."

Thank fucking God, Amber thought.

"No surprise there. I don't know what you expected from him."

"He's nice!"

Amber rolled her eyes, "You don't want nice, Tar."

Tara avoided her eyes.

"I just don't want things to get weird between us."

"It won't. No one can stay mad at you, tiny."

Tara smiled, but she wondered if Amber was excluding herself from that list.
Amber had been so distant lately, which Tara assumed was out of anger.
Tara decided she would get to the bottom of it soon.

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