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The next few months were hell for Amber.
Tara had given Wes another chance, and they seemed to be doing well.
However, Amber wouldn't really know. Tara never mentioned Wes around her.
Wes and Tara's interactions with the group were strictly PG, which Amber was grateful for.

She had kept her promise to herself and never lashed out at Tara.

Amber never tried to make Tara jealous anymore.
She just couldn't bring the smaller girl any pain.
She enjoyed the time they spent together, and she buried her jealously deep down.

The only person who saw through Amber's mask was Mindy.

Mindy encouraged Amber to just confess.
"She would drop Wes in a heartbeat for you," Mindy claimed on several occasions.

Amber knew Tara was too fragile for a situation like that.
Picking between two people she cared about.

Amber did not and would not put her in that situation, no matter how bad she wanted her.

"Then get over her, Freeman," Mindy pressed.

Amber rolled her eyes, she really wished Mindy hadn't figured out her feelings for Tara.
"How am I supposed to do that when she's my best friend, genius?"

Mindy devilishly smiled, "Get under someone else."

Amber had thought about hooking up someone...anyone.
But her mind always returned to Tara.

There's always Richie, she thought.

Richie had been her saving grace the past few months.

They spoke every day, and their conversations had evolved past just Stab related topics.
Richie let Amber be who she hid from everyone else.
He wasn't scared of her dark side. In fact, he was attracted to it.
He had begged to come visit her several times, but Amber wasn't so sure of him.

What if he just wanted to see Woodsboro?
Or he only wanted to stay in Stu Macher's house?

Amber had considered letting him come when she was feeling particularly lonely.
However, she also did not want her friends to meet him.

Specifically, she didn't want Tara to know that side of her.

Therefore, Amber had been suffering alone.
"And who do you propose I get under Mindy? You?"Amber asked rhetorically.

Mindy pretended to gag.
"Gross, Freeman. Chad mentioned Parker Lawerence asking about you."

"She's into girls?"

"She's apparently into you, so sack up and ask her out."

Amber considered it for a moment.
Parker was attractive, and she made Amber laugh.
Though, Amber worried about Tara's feelings.
Tara had been jealous at the thought of Amber and Mindy.

Was her jealously driven by sharing her best friend, or something more?

She has a fucking boyfriend. Why should I tip toe around her feelings, she thought.

After school, Amber corned Parker and asked her to her party that night.

Parker smiled affectionately, "A personal invitation to Amber Freeman's party? Don't I feel special!"

Amber laughed, "You can come over early if you want."

Parker quirked an eyebrow at that statement.
Amber immediately realized how that sounded.

"OH...I just meant because it'll get loud...real...Uh..."

"Chill out, Freeman. I know what you meant. I'll be there early."

Amber laughed awkwardly, "Good."

"And...maybe I can stay later too," Parker said with a wink as she walked past Amber.

Fuck, she thought.

Amber hadn't been flirted with like that in a long time.
Of course Richie flirted with her, but it feels different face to face.
She liked it; the attention.
Maybe she could like Parker too. Maybe she didn't have to be forever hung up on Tara.


Goddamn it.

Tara was running up to her.

"Hey, what time should I come over tonight? Do you need help setting up," Tara asked innocently.

Amber rubbed the back of her head.
"Nah, I've got it under control. Just come around 9:30," Amber replied.

Tara seemed disappointed by her response.
"Oh...okay...well could I stay there tonight?"

"What about Wes," Amber asked implying that Wes was NOT welcome to stay the night.

Tara shrugged, "He can't come tonight."

She didn't seem that upset about his absence, which Amber found odd.
"Uh...sure," Amber said.

Tara smiled, "Yay! I've missed you!"

Amber offered her a small smile.

Tara was about to leave her when she stopped.

"Oh, why were you talking to Parker Lawerence?"


"I asked her out," Amber decided to reply bluntly.

Tara's face dropped.
"Like for tonight?"

"Yeah," Amber shrugged.
Tara quickly regained her composure as smiled sweetly at Amber.

"That's great, Amber! I'll just go home after the party, give you two some alone time," she offered as she squeezed Amber's arm.

Amber laughed, "I'm not going to sleep with her tonight, Tara. Jesus Christ."

Tara almost sighed in relief, but she just smiled at Amber instead.
"So...you want me to stay tonight then?"

"Of course, tiny," Amber smiled at her.

Tara grinned widely and quickly kissed Amber's cheek.

"See you tonight," Tara called as she ran back down the hallway.

Amber stood dumbfounded.

What the fuck was that???

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