Date Night

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After school, Amber dropped Tara off at her house Promising to pick her back up at 7 for their date.

Throughout the day, Amber had planned a pretty good date for them, at least she hoped it was.

She planned to have dinner at the little diner Tara would be working at that summer.

After dinner, she wanted to take Tara to the park in the square. She planned to bring blankets, so they could lay under the stars.

Amber was surprised that she could even come up with something so cheesy. Much less be so excited to do it for someone.

But Tara has always been different to her.

Currently, Amber was laying across her bed in her towel.

She had just finished her shower, and she needed a moment before worrying about what to wear.

She scrolled through the notifications on her phone.
Amber groaned upon realizing most of them were from Richie.

Richie: (link to STAB theories)
Richie: Most of those suck balls but a few good ones🤔
Richie: (10 ways to revive the STAB franchise)
Richie: I hate to say I only see one way to revive our beloved franchise😬

She hadn't spoken to him at all since getting together with Tara.

Amber hesitated to reply but that last comment peaked her interest.

Amber: Explain🙄

Amber rolled her eyes when he immediately replied.
Didn't he have a fucking life?

Richie: The movies were only great when based on real events!
Amber: So you want more people to get murdered? 😂
Richie: Want is a strong word...but that's how you make a Stab movie...based on real events🤭🤷🏼‍♂️
Amber: Well I doubt anyone would ever go after Sidney Prescott again.

Amber clicked out of that conversation.
She kinda felt guilty speaking with him now that she was with Tara.

However, Richie did make a fair point.
Too bad no one would ever act upon it.

Amber finally dragged herself off of the bed over to her closest.

She scanned the clothes hanging up, sighing as she was unsure of how to dress for that night.

Of course she wanted to peak Tara's interest but should she really change how she normally dresses?
Tara seems to love her how she is.

Amber decides on a dark green dress and black chucks. She ties a black sweater around her waist for later in the evening.

After finishing her make-up, Amber runs her hands through her dark hair. Looking over herself in her vanity mirror, she nods.

She pulls her phone out and pulls up her text messages with Tara.

Leaving my house. Are you ready?

Tara: Absolutely. This date better blow my mind😉

Would you expect any less from mwah?😌

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