Dark Reawakening

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Amber didn't sleep a fucking wink.

All she could think about was Tara's selfish sister, Sam.
Did Sam believe Tara would judge her?
Tara, who never judged a fly?
Tara, who sought out the good in every person she met?

Amber wished she could find that bitch.
Make her pay for all the pain she'd caused Tara.
Make her own up to her little fucking secret.

When she picked Tara up for school that morning, Amber tried to act as cool as possible.

Tara was in an extremely good mood.
Apparently, her mother had actually shown some affection the night before.

"I know I shouldn't get my hope up, but she seemed like her old self," Tara rambled.

Amber sighed as she pulled into the school parking lot.

"Maybe this time she'll stick with it baby," Amber offered.

Tara softly smiled, "Maybe. If she could just stay sober, then she could try fixing stuff with Sam."

Amber's knuckles turned white as she tightly gripped the steering wheel.

The last thing she wanted was Tara forgiving Sam.
Sam didn't deserve it.

"Sam should be the one trying to fix shit."

Tara frowned, "I know...but mom and I could at least try too."

"You shouldn't have to try. You didn't do a damn thing wrong, Tara."

Tara didn't comment.
This would happen occasionally.
Tara would feel that longing for her sister.
Sometimes she was so willing to let those 5 years slide by.

Over my dead body.

Amber couldn't...wouldn't let Sam be excused for what she had done.

As the day went on, Amber was consumed by thoughts of Tara letting Sam off the hook.

Especially after knowing the truth.

She wished she had someone to discuss this with.

If Mindy had known the truth, she would've already blabbed about it.
Chad was no help.
Wes...might understand. He was always concerned about Tara's well-being.

But Amber didn't really want his help with anything concerning Tara.

When Amber met the group for lunch, her apprehensions about telling Wes was proven to be a hard No.

She slid her bag off as she sat on the top of their usual picnic table.

Tara was not far behind her.
She sat in between Amber's legs; leaning back into her.

Mindy was positioned on the opposite table with Wes beside her.

Tara asked, "Where's Chad?"

Mindy shrugged, "Off with lil miss ditz somewhere."

Tara frowned, "Please be nice to Liv."

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