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*****6 months Before*****

Amber and Richie had finally tracked down Sam.

She had been living in Modesto.
Barely 2 hours away from Woodsboro.
She had been that close the entire time, which pissed Amber off even more.

2 hours away yet Sam still couldn't be bothered to check in on Tara.

What a fucking bitch

Sam was working at some bowling alley, which Richie got a job at.

He had wooed her over in a couple of weeks.
Hell, he had even fucked her already.

Amber didn't care for his commentary on "sexually available women being empowering" but he had secured a crucial piece of their plot.

Amber figured Sam must really fucked up to not notice Richie's looniness.

Richie mentioned that Sam was constantly taking some kind of pill, which would work to their advantage.

He was beyond excited about getting to the "good parts" of their plot.

Amber, on the other hand, was stressed.

She was finding it increasingly harder to be chill around Tara.

Tara could sense any shift in Amber's emotional state.

During one of their movie nights, Tara noticed Amber's obvious nervousness.

"What's bothering you," she asked.

"Nothing love," Amber replied quickly.

Tara lifted her head up off of Amber's lap to face her.

"Don't lie. You've been fidgeting all night."
"I don't fidget."
"You do. Exhibit A, your nails."

Amber had subconsciously been picking her black nail polish off all night.

She sighed, "Just stressed about school. I failed another calculus exam."

Which wasn't a lie.

Her grades had severely dropped off since her plotting with Richie.

Tara pouted, "Baby...do you need me to tutor you or something?"

Amber quirked an eyebrow, "That sounds kinky, tiny."

Tara rolled her eyes, "It does not. I'm being serious."

Frowning, Amber pulled Tara into her lap.

"I know, sure you can tutor me."

Tara happily peppered Amber's face with kisses.

"Yay! We will get your grades up in no time."

"And if we do, then we make it kinky," Amber whispered as she slowly kissed Tara's jawline.

Tara sighed, "Fine. But if not, no sex for you."

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