All for You

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Amber and Tara rushed down the hallway towards the living room.

When they turned the corner, Amber was shocked and extremely displeased of the scene before her.

Sam was crouched over Mindy, who was bleeding from the shoulder.

Mindy wasn't moving.

Amber wasn't sure.
But she was sure that Richie had royally fucked up.

Speaking of Richie, he was no where in sight.

Amber needed to act fast.
So she belted a scream.

Sam quickly turned to face Amber, who was stomping towards them closely followed by Tara.

"What did you do to her," Amber yelled as she bent over to assess Mindy's wound.

"No...I didn't do anything...the killer...," Sam frantically stuttered.

Amber tried to shake Mindy awake.
No movement.

"Oh my god...oh my god," Amber faked concern.

"Why was the door locked," Sam snapped as she stood and backed away from Amber.

Hovering behind Amber, Tara squeaks, "We were saying goodbye...we were making out!"

All of their heads turn towards the shattering of beer bottles hitting the floor.

"What the fuck," Richie stammers from the kitchen doorway.

"Richie! Where the fuck were you," Sam snapped.

"I just went to the basement to get some beer...," Richie stammered.

Amber narrowed her eyes at him as she asked, "You went to the basement alone?"

Sam and Tara might believe that she was referring to a stupid horror cliché.

But Richie knew exactly what she meant.
He had severely fucked up.

Richie pointed to Mindy as he replied, "I asked her to go with me but she said no!"

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

Amber shifts closer to Tara.
Protectively hovering beside her.

Suddenly, the slamming of front door makes all four of them jump.

Liv whirls into the living room at a dead sprint.
She has this wild-eyed crazy expression on her face.

Where the fuck has she been?

"Guys, we have to...OH MY GOD," Liv yelled as she registers an unconscious and bleeding Mindy.

Amber brings her hands up in a halting motion as she steps backwards with Tara.

"Stay the fuck back," she barked at Liv.

"Oh Jesus, Jesus Christ...," Liv cries.

Amber desperately needed to regain some control over the situation.
There were way too many people right now.
They needed be split up.
And Amber needed her costume in order to effectively shield Tara.

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