Fox Curse 2

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As the Spring finally came, Mira continued to meet more foxes. While many of them were girls, many of them were also boys, and due to her curse, there was nothing to stop her from hurting them where it hurt the most (poor males).

And despite how horrible it was, she almost enjoyed her curse. She could inflict all the hilarious pain on every cute boy she met, and it wasn't even her fault.

And how their faces scrunch up as they fold over in mortal agony... It was just too cute.

But even though she had no control over her curse, she felt kind of guilty about it. Yeah it wasn't her fault, but she didn't have to find it as funny as she did.

But still... so cute.

Mira's face filled with heat, she shouldn't know all this about boys, she shouldn't see them this way. But it was just too funny, them all being so vulnerable in ways she never could be.

Ways she never could be...

She shook her head, trying to ward off the blushing showing through her fur. She'd just have to take it as it was.

She was waiting in the clearing for Aspen, they had agreed to meet here today and she was looking forward to spending time with him. Ever since he had encouraged her to play with the others, he had become her best friend.

And he was also the cutest.

She was almost sad that she had already met him though, him being so cute. When she first met him, she was in such a rush to get away, she never had the time to take in how funny it was, him being folded.

She shook her head again. It had to be messed up, her thinking of him like that.

But still, her emotions wouldn't suppress themselves.

Finally, there was rustling in the brush, and before she knew it, Aspen had leapt out, all excited to see her.

"Mira!" He shouted, "Ready to go to the creek?"

Mira was about to answer when suddenly she heard more rustling. She turned her attention to it, and Aspen followed her gaze.

"Oh, that's just my parents," he said, "When I told them about you, they said they wanted to meet you."

A larger female fox emerged from the brush, "Hello there, you must be Mira," she said.

Mira felt her stomach beginning to twist. She turned to Aspen. "You brought just your mom, right?"

The brush began to rustle a third time. No no no no no.

Aspen looked at Mira a little anxiously, "I couldn't keep dad from coming without telling him about the curse."

And then Aspen's father stepped from the trees.

"What curse? Why don't you want to meet me?"

Mira closed her eyes and gulped. It was too late now. Out of all the other foxes she had met... Oh, this was going to be so embarrassing!

Mira dashed, circling around Aspen's dad. Before he knew what she was doing, she was behind him. Paw outstretched, she raked her claws underneath him. He yelped, dropping to the ground, paws grasping for his injury.

Mira leapt back over him, landing at Aspen's side. She looked at the shock on his mother's face, then his father's face, clinched in pure agony.

"I'm sorry!" She cried.

"Don't worry," Aspen aided, "she does that to everyone."

Mira looked at Aspen, shocked. Aspen suddenly went red. That didn't come out good.

The father, still queasy, struggled to regain himself, barely finding footing before slumping back down. "Everyone?"

"Well, I mean not everyone, just the males."

Mira really needed to stop Aspen.

"I don't like to-" She started, then realized with a blush, that wasn't exactly true, "Well, I sort of do like to, but I don't want to- well, I kind of want to as well, but-"

"You see, she kind of has this curse," Aspen stepped in, "This porcupine and all..."

Aspen's father finally regained his footing, but his voice was still gruff with pain. "And you believe this?"

Aspen looked at his father, "Yes, I do."

Mira just stood there, feeling faint. Aspen's dad looked from her to his son.

Finally, "You have a poor choice in girlfriends, you know that?"

Without another word, he turned to leave, gesturing for his wife that was time to go.

As he began to limp out of the clearing, Aspen's mom looked at her husband. "You do got to admit, it was kind of funny."

Aspen's dad did not reply.

When they were gone, Aspen looked at Mira. "Sorry about that."

"Don't mention it." Mira grumbled. Hopefully she'd never have to talk about this again.

Leaving the small clearing, they made their way to the creek where their other friends were waiting.

Fortunately, the walk helped her clear her mind and stop thinking about Aspen's father. At least that wasn't happening again.

Then they arrived at the creek and Mira gasped.

Apparently, Aspen wasn't the only one whose parents wanted to meet their cubs' new friends.

And unfortunately, they weren't all mothers either.

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