Dragon Freeze Pain

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Cindy awoke once again in the middle of the night. It had been several months since her flame pain stunt, and she still could hardly believe that her strong handsome husband could have been reduced to such screaming vulnerability due to an aspect of himself that was so charmingly ridiculous.

Ever since the "event" she had restrained herself from creating any more incidents. While it had absolutely been the hottest thing she had ever witnessed (in more ways than one), she knew he didn't deserve it. Obviously it was all fun and games for her, but she guessed he didn't find pain very much fun. She knew she didn't. But that's what was so great about it, she didn't have to feel any pain, it was all him.

Still, she had refrained for so long.

But after so many months, she was beginning to grow restless. After what she'd done, others too had begun to get ideas; fellow dragon Vissa, of all dragons, apparently incited some sort of incident with a gun to her husband. She still couldn't believe sweet gentle Vissa had actually done that! Cindy looked at Leviath, he'd had enough of a break, right? She thought so. At least for her. She wouldn't have to worry about feeling it, so she didn't have to worry about if it was long enough for him, as long as it was for her.

Leviath was asleep once again in that strange position of his, on his back, leg's spread. She chuckled to herself, didn't he realize sleeping like that left where he was most sensitive open to such vulnerability?

Cindy crept over to him. She took out a vial that she had bought earlier that day, all in preparation for this. While last time she had used fire, she wanted to try something a little different this time, hopefully it would cause quite a different reaction, but one just as amusing.

She undid the lid on the vial and gulped the contents down. Perfect. Getting in position right next to Leviath's back legs, she prepared herself for what she was about to do.

Poor Leviath, has no idea of what he's about to go through again. Sigh. Oh well.

She took a deep breath... and blew.

The vial worked, I had turned her fire breath into the coldest ice breath the world had ever known, and in a split second, the entire area in the opening of Leviath's back legs was a freezing block of solid ice.

Leviath's eyes shot open as he woke up with a gasp. COLD! He gasped, tried to take another breath, but the air escaped him, driven out of him sharply. He gasped again and again, each one taking his breath away, he couldn't breathe! The weakest part of him was frozen solid, so cold it penetrated like millions of sharp little needles deep into every nerve of his weak male weakness.

He gasped, he wheezed, he roared, he did all at once, but the pain was so bad, it had taken away his ability to concentrate. His talons shot down to grab himself, but all he felt was a solid block of ice, so cold his talons instantly felt like they'd fall off from sudden all consuming frostbite! (Of course that wasn't possible with dragon scales, but it certainly felt like it). Even if his talons could make contact, he would only be holding a solid block of ice, no way to warm his real self.

"HELP!" He gasped, "HELP!"

Cindy suppressed a chuckle, once again it had worked, as if it was some sort of mystical button that could magically send him writhing whenever she felt it a good time. Instantly Leviath looked at her, the realization of what had happened hitting him. "YOU!" He cried, "NO! NOT AGAIN!"

Cindy couldn't hold it anymore, she burst out laughing hysterically! "I'm sorry!" She cried, "It's just too funny!" Yes, she'd sent him into pain like this before, but knowing that something like this had happened was nothing like actually knowing it was happening to one right across from you at this exact moment.

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