Crunch Those Muscles with Rad Drago Boy

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Rhiana was rummaging through the old box of tape her mother had sent her when her husband Calcifer passed by.

"Okay, I'm going to head out now." He said "Gotta fly over to the mechanism store and see about a few things. See you in a bit. Love you sweetheart."

"Okay, love you sweety."

And with that, headed out the door, stretching his wings for flight as he did so.

Rhiana turned her attention back to the box, all the memories of her childhood filling her. So many shows and movies that had defined her as a child shaping her into the dragon she was today.

But then she came across a tape that made her stop, many of the tapes carried special memoires, but this one stood out among the others.

She remembered when she first had recorded it, she was just into Highschool and she had meant to record the latest episode of the Dragon Puff Girls one day (she was always told she was too old for that show, but she didn't care), but had accidently set it for the wrong channel. She had been horrified when she came back home later that day to find that what she had expected to see as another adventure of her favorite girls yet again saving the Village of Villageville was instead a heavy duty exercise program.

At first she was so horrified she wanted to cry, but as she watched there was something about it that opened up a side of her that she never knew she had.

The instructor was a strong muscular male not much older than her, and he had an upbeat personality and a voice that just made you feel good about yourself. To say the least, Rhiana had found him very very attractive.

Over time, Rhiana found herself watching that tape again and again. Eventually, the more she watched it, the more she found herself beginning to join in the program too.

"Rad Drago Boy here, getting you into shape " The instructor introduced himself "To start we'll begin with a warm up." He readied his body, rolled his manly muscles, "Now shift your weight from one foot to the other, to the left, to the right, to the left, to the right!" He demonstrated, "You got it? Now, put some energy into it, put some energy into it, yeah, that's right," As the instructor rocked back and forth on his back legs, Rhiana did the same.

"Now, turn around and face your rear to the TV, yes exactly like that," He demonstrated by turning his rear toward the camera, "Keep shifting your legs left, right, left, right, rock to the beat, rock to the beat, yeah you got it, you got the moves!" Red Drago Boy continued, moving his rear for the camera, back and forth, back and forth. Rhiana faced her rear toward the TV and rocked back and forth to the beat alongside him, "Throw your hips baby, that's what I'm talking about; add some tail action in there, don't be shy! Yeah! Rock that booty, rock that booty! You go!"

They rocked, back and forth, back and forth, the energy in the room was real.

"Now, we do this because it helps strengthen our leg muscles, but mostly we do it to show off our booty, because you have a nice booty, be proud of your booty."

"You have a nice booty too!" Rhiana exclaimed to the dragon on the TV as she rocked left, right, left, right with him in perfect sync.

Rhiana felt herself filling with elation, what would he think of her if he met her in real life? Would he think her booty was nice if he saw it in real life. She couldn't help but feel bubbly all over inside at the thought that maybe it would be yes.

"Now, let's switch things up a bit," Rad Drago Boy announced as they finished with that segment, "Here we got a 50-ton barbell," he gestured to a barbell layered with weights, "We are going to work those legs and lift it."

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