Wedgies For Elephants Be Like

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Yes, I know this is not biologically accurate for the average elephant. Let's just say this is an unknown species of elephant to which this is possible.

The cries of another elephant rang through the forest as he faced Veronica's wrath.

Greg stood in the shadows of the trees watching the ordeal, always silent, never interfering, never drawing her attention to him, lest he share the same fate.

Veronica was down by the pool with her two minions, Milo and Georgia, and another poor elephant, Edmond, who was one of their frequent victims. Milo was holding up the captive's tail, while Georgia would suck up as much water as she could fill up in her trunk, and shoot it full blast into Emond poor unprotected self. Meanwhile, Veronica would just stand there watching, laughing at the whole situation.

"STOP! PLEASE STOP!" Edmond cried as Georgia went in for another blast, trying to fold over in agony, but Milo holding him up, "IT HURTS SO MUCH!"

From his spot of observation, Greg snorted. Man, this cold! It'd been bothering him for many days and just wouldn't go away. It was so bad, he could hardly breath through his trunk at all.

Greg turned his attention back to the scene. Of course he felt bad for Edmond. But unless he wanted to be down there instead, he needed to remain discreet in Victoria's eyes.

But then they shot Edmond again, and Edmond once again cried for mercy, and Greg couldn't hold it back any longer. Greg stepped into the opening to confront them.

"Can't you see he's had enough?" Greg cried. "Can't you let him go?"

Veronica's eyes instantly turned to him. Milo and Georgia stopped their torture methods and allowed Edmond to crump to the ground moaning.

"Do I know you?" Veronica asked. Her eyes narrowed. "Have I taken care of you before?"

Greg took a step back, aware of the dangerous situation he was in.

"No," Greg said shakily, "You need to stop this right now. It's not right." He sniffled through his trunk.

"Not right?" Said Veronica, "I'll tell you what's not right. I don't recall doing this to you before. No young bull slips by me. Not one."

Greg began to back away.

"Milo, Georgia, let poor Edmond go. We got another guest to take care of right now."

Greg took another step back, but then he bumped into Milo who was behind him. He was familiar with Milo's story and his connection to Veronica. He simply followed her so she would stop using him as one of her victims.

Milo dragged Greg over to the pool, and Veronica stood before him and looked him in the eyes. Greg tried to stop himself from trembling.

"Do you have any idea what you're about to go through?" Veronica asked.

"No," Greg replied weakly.

"Good. Now, I don't recall your name. What is it?"

"Greg." Greg muttered. "Please don't do this."

Veronica looked at him seriously. "You really think I've ever listened to a line like that?"

Greg snorted, trying to clear his sinuses, but to no avail. He looked at Veronica, his eyes pleading for mercy. Then at Georgia, then Milo. Milo looked away uncertain.

Georgia began to fill her trunk with water.

"No, please don't," Greg begged.

Milo lifted Greg's tail with his trunk.

"No, please don't." Greg was really beginning to panic. He tried to pull away, but Milo held him in place.

And the water exploded from Georgia's trunk, colliding full force with Greg's unprotected weak spot.

Greg cried out in absolute agony, the force of the water hitting him unbelievably unbearable.


But Georgia didn't stop until her trunk was empty.

Greg slumped forward onto the ground moaning in agony. Unfortunately, Milo still had his tail, leaving open Georgia's target while she refilled her trunk. Greg snorted, trying to regain his breath through his clogged trunk.

BLAST! Georgia was at it again. Greg cried out, trying to escape the agony.

The second trunkfull was done, Greg struggled to breath through his clogged trunk. Veronica stood in front of him, watching the pain of a newfound victim with great enjoyment.

And then a third blast!


Greg was in so much pain by the time Georgia set back to refilling her trunk, he had lost all grasp on where he was, and why he was here. The pain was causing his trunk to constrict even more with each blast.

And then the fourth blast.

Greg couldn't hold it in anymore, with all the force in him, he gave out a trumpet cry. And suddenly, all the snot, backed up from days of clogged sinuses, erupted out of his trunk at once. SPLAT! All of it in Veronica's face.

Veronica's minions immediately stopped what they were doing. Milo released Greg's tail, and he collapsed to the ground, writhing in his newfound agony, finally knowing what it was to feel pain. He was too pained to be aware of what he had just done to Veronica, how she was crying out in horror at the snot filling her face, how her minions were trying to help aid her. She glared down at Greg, but said nothing more as Milo and Georgia led her away.

When Greg finally recovered, he noticed Veronica was gone. He took a deep breath through his trunk and was suddenly shocked to realize how clear it now was. He whimpered. Now he knew what it was like to be on the other side of Veronica's wrath. It was horrible. He guessed he would never be able to hide from her again.

But something even more shocking happened. Veronica never again did it to another elephant. Greg never found out why she stopped, never knowing that he was the cause.

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