Dragon Flame Pain - Resolution

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Leviath sat at the table at the Grand Winglin Palace Restaurant glancing out at the waiters milling about and customers chattering to and with eachother. Date night with Cindy had always been a pleasant experience in the past, but lately, things had become... complicated between them.

As he sat there waiting for Cindy to arrive at the table so they could order their food, he couldn't help but notice, Cindy sure was taking awhile in that bathroom, and Leviath could only guess what she was doing in there.

Probably standing in front of the mirror and admiring herself again, Leviath figured - not that he was surprised, she tended to be fascinated with... certain aspects of herself, and she always found time to admire those certain aspects of her ladyhood quite frequently, even when the timing certainly did not call for it. Not that he blamed her, she had some nice aspects of herself down there, and he could appreciate a lady who liked her lady-self like she did. Besides, at least when she was busy appreciating herself, it helped spare him from some of the... uncomfortable situations that had arisen from her "appreciating" him.

Not likely, he grumbled to himself, once she starts on herself, she'll start getting on about how we contrast eachother, and what better way to contrast us than by throwing pain at the place she didn't-

Leviath snorted irritation. What a memory.

It had been a few months since the flame pain and freeze pain incidents, and Cindy's stomach was growing ever bigger with her egg. Leviath still couldn't comprehend that that kind of sheer agony had happened to him, leaving him screaming and writhing on the floor like it had. He shifted his legs, imagining the pureness of the pain all over, but still unable to believe it; he knew how it had felt, could image the acute searingness of it all with undeniable accuracy, but somehow, something in his mind had blocked him from being able to process it as if it had actually been a real incident, that it had not just been some horrific imagined memory he'd cooked up in his most demented fever dreams.

Not a good memory.

When Cindy finally arrived at the table she had that amused smirk on her face, confirming Leviath's suspicions as to why she'd been gone so long. She gave him a sly look, and he looked at her unimpressed - though he was totally impressed, she did have a body to be proud of. He nodded at her with a grunt of greeting as she sat down across from him. There was a moment of awkward silence, then...

"Had a good time in there?" he asked.

"Phenomenal," Cindy replied.

Of course.

Nothing more to say, Cindy picked up her menu, and Leviath continued to look at his. Silence filled their table.

After a moment, Leviath glanced up at Cindy, and she glanced back at him, before, wordlessly, they both turned back to their menus, both of them wanting to break the ice, but neither sure of what to say.

"Anything looking good?" Leviath asked finally.

"Well, I'm really liking the look of this Viridian Snapper," Cindy replied.

"Yeah, hmm," Leviath said, checking that item on his own menu, it looked fine, but not his thing.

More silence.

Leviath looked at Cindy, and despite everything that had happened lately, he thought that she still was so pretty tonight. Noticing him watching her, she glanced back, giving him that sly look she always gave, letting him know she found him very attractive too. At least it was something.

Then abruptly, her talon slipped, she fumbled for the menu, but it fell out of her talons and onto the floor under the table.

"Let me get that," Cindy replied, bending over and ducking beneath the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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